Hey I'm young and still learning it's just something I learned cutting cedar it's soft so it's a something I've learned to do.Skeans & Co., thanks for the tips. The more I think about what I did the more foolish I feel. I cut so few trees and have all the time in the world to do them; I should be more careful and observant. Ron
Madhatte you're welcome to join us one day.Anybody who is still interested in learning is OK in my book. Anybody who already knows it all and has nothing left to learn can take a walk. That goes for everything in life, not just cutting trees. That also includes me -- if I ever refuse to learn from somebody with more experience than me, I hope that I shrivel up and blow away, long before I fail to listen to somebody else's info that could save my life or just make mine easier. I expect y'all to feel free to ride herd on me for that statement. I tell my crews that every year and I'd estimate that I've learned at least twice as much from them over the years as they have from me.
Anybody who is still interested in learning is OK in my book. Anybody who already knows it all and has nothing left to learn can take a walk. That goes for everything in life, not just cutting trees. That also includes me -- if I ever refuse to learn from somebody with more experience than me, I hope that I shrivel up and blow away, long before I fail to listen to somebody else's info that could save my life or just make mine easier. I expect y'all to feel free to ride herd on me for that statement. I tell my crews that every year and I'd estimate that I've learned at least twice as much from them over the years as they have from me.
Got to love butt swollen cedar and itching all day from them as well
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It never fails they either break or bounce all over and the butt is way in the air. Sounds like it's time for a 42 here soon.This one didn't have much for swell, nice taper to about 40' where she split all to hell and madusa'd, bucked it at 36 and it was still around 30" maybe a little more. got two 26's out of the tops,and almost another 16'
It's neighbor is bigger... Passed on it this morning since its much bigger and has a spur on one side... needed to clear everything on that side first.
The little 562xpw will oil a 32 just finished it's the firewood guys that freak out over a 1/4" bar they think it won't work or handle it.My 362 has a 28" stihl light bar (full skip). Its wore that bar since I bought the saw a year ago. Have had no issues yet. Oils just fine. The saw now has a 3/4 wrap handle on it and redwood felling dawgs.
This week I went in to buy a saw at our local dealer, they had two 461s in stock with 36" light bars and high flo air filters + dual port mufflers. Price was $1250 each. I was. standing there contemplating whether I wanted one then I turned around and noticed a new 661c on the shelf. All stock with 36" light bar for the same price as the 461s!! I was like 'screw this! I want that one right there! lol'
I've only ran a tank of gas through it but I'm well pleased with my purchase. The AV is as good as my 362c and so far seems very fuel efficient for a 90cc class saw. I can't wait to drop some hoot dogs with it.