are they bar coded ?
Yes, in French.
are they bar coded ?
Yes, in French.
Never new about Madsens till a few years ago. I had a saw shop that I got what ever I needed .If you left a random gift of Jack Daniels on the counter they would give you a few bucks off your orders. I am a scrounger and found a lot of good falling wedges that were lost or discarded in the brush. The color coding is kinda interesting theory. How about blue wedges for old growth, the yellow wedges for soft wood, and the orange for the hardwoods, the red for burned wood and green for jungle falling:hmm3grin2orange:
Everyone knows that's the fault of the same buggers that dreamed up striped socks. They just know that we are going to lose at least one of each colour and have to buy another pair to take matching pairs into the woods. Mark my words, it won't be long before they come up with various striped wedge configurations once they've maxed out the benefits of coloured wedges. Consumerism, like most isms, has plenty to answer for.OK...what is the REAL reson why wedges are colored?
Consumerism, like most isms, has plenty to answer for.
If you have a belt sander you can keep the wedges in use able shape for some time. Using a belt sander on trow away wedges works quite well.
There is a reason they are thrown away.......or "lost".
Not every time Randy. To me a sloping back cut was when you were tip down and didn't line up.
Like the stump on the left.
They should make them camo. All of the hunters compulsively buy anything camo colored and they would lose many more of them. Replacement sales would zoom!
"Honey, have you see my 8" Trebark wedge? You know I can only use my MossyOak wedges in the spring time, and the Orange is for cutting during deer season!"
A few US patents related to felling wedges.
Didn't find anything that looked like the sleeve/shim wedge set shown in post 281
Perhaps first reference to plastic was in 1965 from Grass Valley.
Thought these were interesting.
Swivel 1916 Gravel Portland Oreg
Tapered 1956 Overman Sturgis Mich
Plastic 1965 Hemphill Grass Valley Calif
Novel 1973 Emerson Lamoni Iowa
A few US patents related to felling wedges.
That last one is very interesting for sure. Thanks for the links!
Jack daniels huh?........the stories just get better and better. So you "scrounge" for your falling wedges? And your a pro faller? come i dont believe you? OK...what is the REAL reson why wedges are colored? MR...PRO FALLER PNW HBRN that is.
sometimes the simplest tools can be the most usefull.