Farmertec "Caber" rings real or fake?

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What you're trying to tell me buddy? That you are a useful idiot? Trump your puppet master or what?
No, I have no master. But it seems you can relate and are offended by the historical term. I wasn't speaking of anyone on here. But they always do seem to find a way to announce themselves.
No, I have no master. But it seems you can relate and are offended by the historical term. I wasn't speaking of anyone on here. But they always do seem to find a way to announce themselves.
Just to let you know, based on the look of that comment.. obviously made by me, I was probably way down in my second bottle of fermented grape juice.
I'm really a humble guy, just needs to open the valve, let out some steam and give my brain some off-time every now and then.

I apologize if I insulted you in any way.
Dave Smith also a member here who I buy rings from mostly, runs CCC Racing and dont sell fake either and same cost. Probably knows way more about caber rings then most other sellers. Even overseas vendor.
Thanks for the tip on CCC Racing. I just bought some Cabers from him at as good a price as I've seen anywhere.
I bought some 44.7mm Caber rings from Farmertec for my 026 and when I find a suitable 44.7mm cylinder to convert to, will fit them and run it, it doesn't bother me.
Here is my last post in this thread:

Thank you, Matt, for a breath of fresh air.

The Caber jury is still out on real vs. fake, but here is the response I got today:

Good day,
It is all in the hands of our R&D dpt who are comparing your pictures with the same rings in stock and see whether the enlarged sections of your images match ours.
I hope to get back to you very soon.

I will definitely post follow up as it occurs, and will offer to send the rings if needed to settle this issue.

(back to politics)
I said I would follow up on this, so here it is. This was the last thing I ever heard from Caber (March of this year). I sent numerous emails requesting any new information on R&D's investigation, but none were answered. I guess we'll never know.
Here is my last post in this thread:

I said I would follow up on this, so here it is. This was the last thing I ever heard from Caber (March of this year). I sent numerous emails requesting any new information on R&D's investigation, but none were answered. I guess we'll never know.
Thanks for the update, I’m quietly confident they’ll regret ever doing business with farmertech / rip off Chinese companies.
Here is my last post in this thread:

I said I would follow up on this, so here it is. This was the last thing I ever heard from Caber (March of this year). I sent numerous emails requesting any new information on R&D's investigation, but none were answered. I guess we'll never know.
Disappointing news after 6 months, seems that a lot of big companies have dumbed down customer service since the Asian flu episode.

Wonder if they’ll ever reply?
When Caber changed the etchings it seems that several of us caught this and mentioned it around the fire or someplace around 2019 maybe 2020. DD was on it like stink on chit checking things out thoroughly. After careful destruction of a set here it appears they were equal to the same old stuff but under a new logo etching.

When I brought up a piston and ring update from Stihl it was immediately dismissed as counterfeit by several others when they viewed the pics. The odd thing was those in the know didn't dismiss or endorse it but asked questions. The problem was this piston was a better offering with better materials yet not even DD had seen them yet. They came from a reputable west coast seller but would probably still be dismissed as counterfeit by most onlookers. The new Stihl black rings preinstalled on the piston were also called fakes. I found several different colored markers on the rings but no way to track them down without an etching or makers marks. Yes Stihl does make a few things they didn't stamp their logo on so does that make it fake, a cheap knock off or just plain junk from who knows where?

Kevin already summed it up pretty good imo.

The simple fact that y'all spend time pissing on each other and not adding to the information or research shows the real information is hidden. I have no clue if these Farmertec rings are fake or knockoffs but given a set it wouldn't take long to figure it out. Back to your regularly scheduled pissing match about another country most of you have no clue about, enjoy.