You might consider the 070 for milling. It's a big pig that you just leave tied up in your mill because it's to heavy to be worth anything to most users. But OMG is it a milling machine. Better oiler, bigger chain and capable of pulling longer loops through wood.
I would bet you have a air leak in your husky or a fuel delivery issue which could be as simple as a bad vent or stiff fuel line in the tank causing the filter to come out of the fuel when it lives on its side milling. If you had the simple testing equipment you could track down the problem or a dealer with a better service dept
chainsaw kits and packing lists
We'll see how it goes. I'm just really excited to flip over my first slab and make a dining room table with it.
This YouTube video is exactly my problem. No faulty vent because the fuel doesnt hiss when I unscrew it. The comments in the video are all over the spectrum. They guy in one comment said the biggest help was mutilating his engine cover to help vent it.
Fact is, is a poorly designed saw for "pro" users.