I have cut for twelve years now and run every bar coming and going I think. Stick with the Oregon Powermatch for the money you can do no better. Cannon's are nice but they cost dang near twice as much as a Oregon and another thing about cannons is they use a Oregon single rivet tip. Cannons are great bars but they are a little heavy more so than a Oregon especially in the longer lenghts and to me in the woods anyway I can cut down on weight I thank myself at the end of the day lugging a saw up and down the hill all day that wants to nose dive on you is no fun. I have had no luck at all with GBBARS they were just terrible I dont know if I got a bad lot of them or what I bought half-dozen four years ago and still have three new ones left, all the dog bolts had to be ground down the tip was all burred up out of alignment just junk. I started having similar problems with Windsor bars about four years ago I use to run them alo so I swithced to GBBARS then to a Woodsman Pro(cannon), then to a Cannon and then finally back to Oregon. Baileys and Madsens sell them for around 34$$ a piece and can probably do you alittle better if you buy by the half dozen or more. I would order a half dozen bars, a dozen tips and a rail closer and you will be set for good long run. Hope this helps, later Wade