Favorite Saw of All Time ?

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My favorite is usually my newest purchase. So my current favorite is a 266xp I got off of Curt Bailey. Great saw. My favorite of all time though is my Mcculloch 10-10. Its the saw I reach for the most. Light, power, balance, simplicity. I just love it.
MY favorite saw is the two man mercury those suckers could cut down a 12foot douglas fir one man was the oiler and one ran the engine from opposite ends try sharpening that chain
Tough one....

Favorite? Gotta be my 028s, not my "best" one, but my first Stihl and the one I always seem to pick up first. The ms200t is reeeaaalllly close though....
The saw that probably was most ahead of the competition when introduced, is the Jonsereds 621 (1970)........:rockn: :rockn: :rockn:
I would have to vote for my 046mag duel port, always puts a smile on my face when I use it.

028 super again
mac 15
My favorite saw is the Stihl 044 with a 24" bar, with full-skip chain. 11 years and still runnin great. This saw is special to me because it is also the saw that got a piece of me three years ago, my fault not the saw. Extremely "hot" runner.:chainsaw:
favorite saw

One of my favorite saws of all times has to be the 041. We bought one for my Dad in 1977, and he still uses it today. Besides, I just love the way they sound. Great Saw!
Favorite saw tough choice between Husky 162 with metal recoil housing or Jonsered 630 Also as Troll says Jonsered 621 way ahead of its time still can handle its own with the new stuff. First choice 162 probably because its the only one I bought brand new out of my 21 saws back in 79'
Toughest saw by far Stihl 08. Bar none.

Daylight comes early in the spruce swamp
Favorite saw I've ever run is a McCulloch Pro Mac 850. The main reason is because it's like a muscle car - chainsaw. Tons of torque, stupid loud!, vibrates you to death ... good stuff. :rock:
Stihl's 056 magnum ll with a 32" bar and .404 full skip chain puts a big smile on my face, But my favorite of all time was the 1128T. WTF is that you ask? It was the prototype for the 200T, Offered as a test saw in the early 90's. I worked for Monroe Tree Service in Syracuse NY, my foreman at the time was lucky enough to be part of the testing, I was lucky enough to use the saw about a dozen times.