Tree Freak
I figured it out right away, I cant figure out why Valley started a new profile. Maybe we can start a conspiracy theory. You know, he can see Russia from his house???? Has he asked Putin to finance his new processor? So many questions, so few answers.
Just Funing. Wait, Funing is a province in China
I asked the admin 5 or 6 times now to change it, could never get even a reply back. Tried emailing even.
So just decided to make a new one.
Got tired of trolls googling the business and then calling or emailing me, usually to to tell me at 4AM how wrong I am about something. Or wanting parts for something, expecting I should have some sort of inventory memorized and be able to ship it out the next day or something.... the OPE stuff isn't even my deal, I just occasionally help out in the shop I rent space from.. and trying to get away from OPE work, no $$ in it. (vs logging, land clearing, dirt work, lumber and firewood)
Even had a few place orders for firewood, made me actually almost lose few actual customers... they were just a bit "odd" orders and I discounted them as being bogus.