Fire wood delivery.

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Whiteindustries said:
I myself am using a one ton rack dump which handles a cord and a half and prefer just to stay close to my yard(10 mile radius).

What are the dimensions of your dump body that allow you too hold that much wood on a one-ton w/o stacking it?
Hi,Dim of Rack/dump

Newfie said:
What are the dimensions of your dump body that allow you too hold that much wood on a one-ton w/o stacking it?

The Dim of my rack/dump are 12'x 7.5'x4' which equals 360sq ft/2 or 180 cubic feet per cord loose.
bottlefed89 said:
redbull, how much firewood business do you do??

Not much. I've got about 10 cord to get rid of this year. I don't really go out of my way for wood. If I remove a good hardwood, I'll keep the wood, split it, and sell it. I've been considering going down to the Ozarks and picking up a good size load for $75/cord and re-selling it up here. Just a thought at this point.
Not really,depends on what you need.

Newfie said:
Ahh, OK. You don't find 12 feet to be too long on a one ton?

I wouldnt go to far with two cord because of being over weight.The truck barely even knows when there is a cord on it. A 8'x7.5'x3' would be perfect for one cord deliveries(180cuft).Just fill to the top and go.
I've been thinking of building an Isuzu NPR for hauling two cords for local deliveries.You can pick up a diesel pretty cheap and those things are amazing on how well they turn.I had one for my paving business with a twelve foot rack and that thing would turn on its own wheelbase.
I dont notice the extra length of a 12'body, but then again I have been driving triaxle dumptrucks for 11 years.