For me the thing with firewood is heating my house and the cost of the wood (which includes gas for the truck). If the wood is too expensive, then I would instead heat my house with electric or natural gas...
With that said, the more trips I make for a given load of wood, the more expensive the wood is (gas for truck). And the further away the wood is, the more expensive it is.
I have a long bed truck and a similar sized trailer. So I can carry 1 cord per trip. And if the wood is nearby, then that cord is maybe $25 for gas for the truck.
Far away, small bed truck, and no trailer, it might be 1/4 cord and $50 gas per trip. Or $200 per cord! If that was the case, I would say WHY am I doing this if I can buy it already split and delivered for maybe $150 a cord around here?
If you are just using the wood for an occasional fire, but otherwise heat the house by some other means (and having fun getting the wood/splitting), then of course cost is no concern...