It has been a rough few weeks here in Santa Cruz and Santa Clara counties. You probably know the big picture, dry lightning and strong winds descended on us August 16th. The CZU (Santa Cruz/San Mateo) complex is over 86,000 acres, roughly 20% of our county. The SCU (Santa Clara, etc) is over 396,000 acres.
The real damage was done in the north of Santa Cruz county, the north coast, Bonny Doon, China Grade Rd, around Hwy 236, and other locations. Over 900 residences were lost! NINE HUNDRED! Several of my friends lost everything. I've spoken of my friend Andy here before, there is nothing left of his house. He managed to get both of his trucks out along with most of his work saws and the power head for the Lucas mill. He lost all the framing and rails. His favorite Stihl 064 and an 090 were in the garage when he left. Paul who I have worked with many times (and Nef, another friend) rented on the north coast. They got their dogs and surfboards out. Period. Forest who was born in Last Chance and lived there lost his home. Tad lost his life.
Over the last few years it has been very difficult for the residents to get fire insurance, I don't know how many properties were uninsured. Good luck getting insurance in the future. 900!
Cody and I along with a water tender helped our friend in Bonny Doon save his and his sister's house August 22nd. We were both in greens and yellows so Cal Fire left us alone but they kicked the water tender (who lived just down the road) off the fire. The Strike Team Leader, Type 3, came down to where we were working and said there is ONE type 3 for this road, no water tenders, one dozer down the hill somewhere, no air, you are on your own. Play it safe and leave if you feel threatened. We were in the middle of 200 acres of burning poison oak, why would we feel threatened?
The camp where I have been working these last couple years (on Hwy 9) was sorta threatened but for safety sake Hwy 9 was closed. I had a tracked skid steer I could not get to until last week. The rental company (A Tool Shed) is great to work with so that entire time cost $3k which they will write of as an in kind donation. However our contractor had a rental D4 there also at $3K per DAY! They have already said NO! to any deal. The price will be $75K!
Today September 5 is a hot one. CZU is around 60% contained but several spot fires inside and outside the containment line have popped up. I have worked quite a few disasters here starting in 1974. People can hold their tempers about or sometimes 3 weeks. Now people are angry! There are hundreds of people threatening to sue Cal Fire for various reasons, mostly due to the lack of air craft. A heavy marine layer kept the smoke in and the aircraft on the ground. Many suggestions have been made online on how to proceed in the future from IFR to radar to creating special aircraft that will drop moist topsoil (with redwood seeds in it) to create a berm around the entire fire. Really.
I only have a few pics but I will post the later.