I hadn't heard that, but we're training with Cal Fire on Sat and I'll ask when we do shelter deployments.
One thing we noticed was the grass was only ankle high instead of the usual knee high this time of year in the same meadow.
Next training day for our department will cover water sources, which is good to know in our area. I've been working on a project to add 2 water tanks to my property, bringing my storage from 5k to 11k gallons. My next door neighbor has 15k gallons. My tanks will have valves with NH ports on them, and the neighbor has two hydrants with NH threads.
That's probably not going to happen because of all the reporting of slave labor. Wish folks would hear what the inmate crews have to say, like how much more pleasant it is to not be in a jail. I see more and more reporting of how unfair the system is, when the alternative is to have those folks locked up being of no use. That's what is going to happen I fear.https://wildfiretoday.com/2021/04/16/cal-fire-director-our-hand-crew-capacity-is-really-dismal/
Obviously the director of Cal Fire can't come out and say this problem is the governor's fault but I can. The hand crews have been slashed over the years to cut costs, not just because of Covid. Newsom has to go and the CDCR crews need to be built back up! There are more than 120,000 prisoners in Cali! Use them!
You are probably correct Patty. We have nextdoor.com here and that has given a voice to the crazies who never leave their house. Their expert commentary says the inmates are dropped off at a fire and told to put it out or else. They will receive no food, no water, and no supervision. There is no try, there is only do.That's probably not going to happen because of all the reporting of slave labor. Wish folks would hear what the inmate crews have to say, like how much more pleasant it is to not be in a jail. I see more and more reporting of how unfair the system is, when the alternative is to have those folks locked up being of no use. That's what is going to happen I fear.
Before that you have to transport the dirt to make mud and getting the dirt would essentially strip mine wherever it comes from and before you gotta get some big ****** machines to dig a hole and before that good luck getting that approved.You are probably correct Patty. We have nextdoor.com here and that has given a voice to the crazies who never leave their house. Their expert commentary says the inmates are dropped off at a fire and told to put it out or else. They will receive no food, no water, and no supervision. There is no try, there is only do.
I work with the inmate hand crews every month all year long on grade projects. Believe me they want to be in camp rather than the yard! (Some have asked to return to the yard because the gang leaders have ordered them to stop working with the cops, aka Cal Fire or CDCR. or they will kill their family.)
I may have posted it here but my favorite nextdoor.com comment came from a woman who wants to stop dropping slurry on fires (and spraying contrails) and drop MUD! Dropping regular mud to a depth of 4" on the perimeter of the fir will contain it naturally. Then then can drop mud on all the hot spots. I calculated how much mud the 86K CZU complex would have used but I don't remember to total. suffice to say it was mucho.
Watch out , Elephant King on its way
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I'd say that you can get an engine into pretty much the same places. Lessons learned from working with forwarders in Up Nort Wisconsin are that they don't do well on slopes and would not work on what we here in the PNW consider to be flat ground, they like to go straight, and they are expensive, maybe too expensive to have sitting around waiting for a fire on flat ground.
For sure. I saw a tracked one with an extendable turret back in ‘08 (NorCal lightning event) above Big Bar on the Trinity river
Used it on steep non- pitched dozer line during a firing op and mop up patrol. Helos dumping into pumpkins and Klump pumps that would fill him.
Think there was big resource draw down though
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