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Nope, no fire streams.

But we do have a carded faller that got a cat out of a tree that was beyond our reach. Prior permission from the home/cat owner and all. The phrase "ran like a scalded dog" comes to mind. Obviously in good condition!The tree was limby Doug fir. Then he limbed it and bucked it into 16" chunks. No splitting or stacking, but we still had a happy customer/voter.
Deploying to the east side. First couple of days will be group-training National Guard at Yakima and then assignment to fires as needed. Could be gone up to a month. If you don't hear from me for awhile, that'll be why.

Teach 'em how to stay safe.
Keep yourself safe, too. You do realize that you're the only moderator here who knows that a tail hold isn't some kind of kinky 'rasslin mauneuver, don't you? Can't afford to lose you.
Training 300 National Guard with FS trainers and DOD crew bosses, to be deployed under DNR command. It's as weird as it sounds. So far so good, assignments Thursday. They've got us bunking with them so as to be "embedded"? Ffffffffffffff. Barracks life was lame when I was in the navy, and that was a good long time ago. No matter. Gotta make a crew. Wish us luck.
I got a probie today. [emoji20] 31 has never had a probie before. We always got seasoned guys transferring from Truck and Rescue companies. This is going to be interesting...

Edit: Turnover on crews is always a feeling out process. This new guy has balls... That's all I'll say after our first call with him. We might be able to turn him into something haha.
Are they going to try and give you enough Crew Bosses to make 20 person crews?
Yes, that's the plan. There are FF's here from bases all over the west and we will be taking over the crews as soon as the trainers are done with 130/190. There is a lot of uncertainty yet regarding how's and whens, but the intent is clearly to field a dozen or so new Type 2 handcrews with us as crew bosses. It's fairly political but so far it seems to be moving fairly smoothly, at just above the Speed Of Government.
Training 300 National Guard with FS trainers and DOD crew bosses, to be deployed under DNR command. It's as weird as it sounds. So far so good, assignments Thursday. They've got us bunking with them so as to be "embedded"? Ffffffffffffff. Barracks life was lame when I was in the navy, and that was a good long time ago. No matter. Gotta make a crew. Wish us luck.

So did they make ya shave off yer beard/mustache and cut yer hair???
Does that mean you're not half good, either?

Both are in pretty high demand, so if you have the ability, it could be a good way to work in the summer. A lot of the work is east, though, so you will need to get on th list in those dispatch centers, too. How far are you willing to travel?