Stoopid question time...
IF, and I mean IF... a guy where to hook up a hose and adapta-kit to a hydrant and "test" his "new" equipment, how much, if any, trouble would he be in?
Secondly, if a fire where to break out near his house, and he where to use said new equipment on said fire, how much trouble would he be en then...
Granted I'm aware that if I where to start putting fires out in the neighbor hood, it would look an awful lot like maybe I wanted really bad to put out a fire so that I arranged for one to be started, but I'm not that crazy, I'm just really paranoid about fire...
Ideally I'll have the skid mount fire tank on hand here at the house for July 1-15th, and using the handy hydrant across the street won't be necessary. but if it where?
Before ya all freak out about fire hose and pressure and what not, I have had some very basic but professional instruction, on how to use a hydrant and hose, its not rocket science, its just high pressure water... nearly rocket science... and yes I would totally call 911 first, and it would be purely a control and damage prevention strategy... one moron and one hose does not extinguish a house fire, but it might keep it from spreading long enough for the cavalry to ride in.
I ask because I've heard all sorts of misinformation, not from any reliable sources, also I assume all risks if I'm dumb enough to try this. And no this isn't about stealing water... its a ******* rain forest there is plenty of water, and the well hasn't gone dry ever... so no worries there.