Tell us which of the current fires have been caused by the electric wires? I haven't seen any mention of it in the reliable news.
We westerners like our ecosystems and do not want things to turn into the east coast. Blaming all this on a mouse is stupid. Not adding climate change--heating up hotter and longer hot seasons is stupid. Power companies running into "hurtles?" Californians correct me if I am wrong, but the main power company, at least in the north is PG&E. It is huge. It has shareholders. It is cheaper for them to not upgrade their lines. If they are found guilty of causing a fire, they jack up their rates to customers. When I lived in the third world of CA, they had a pole that was in a mudslide chute. No remedy was ever made. We lost power frequently but I imagine that was cheaper than moving the line or pole.
Some of us have lived long enough in an area to notice that the summers are hotter and drier. I guess if you go from indoors to car to indoors you wouldn't notice. Santa Anna season used to be in the Fall. Now we have this. Developers have built in areas that have no chance. It all adds up to what we have going now.
So, maybe you can research The Last Ten Years and let us know what to do. Specifics. First of all, it has been warmer and drier. Second we have more idiots who move out here and do stupid things that start fires. Thirdly, my old employer, the Forest Service, has been forced into a constant downsizing, a result of those tax cuts that folks want. There aren't the bodies or budgets available to do all the prescribed burning needed, or thinning. Logging has been cut back so those bodies aren't in the woods, and stands of timber aren't getting thinned like they should. In case you aren't familiar with things, loggers and forestry people carry fire tools and can take care of small starts and also notify fire folks of the location.
It's brush that's burning in CA though. That's what it does.