Packing into smaller units have always payed off well, look at the whole society, we are flooded with small package businesses...)(*&%#%$@
[email protected] spelling sucks, sorry.....Thanks god that Cosco is out there...
Works like 1000000 units for 0.25$ each from China, repack, redistribute, and sell for 5$ each....... 5000000$ wonder there is a lot of rich people around......and some loosers to.....I'm one of them...
buy 100 truck loads of logs for 100x800$=80000$, that's about 1000 cords or 128000 cube ft.....process it, pack it in 1 cubeft bags, whole sale for 2.5$ a bag or retail for 5$ a bag, whole sale give you 320000$ sales.....
Buy a processor an make 2 cords an hour....500hrs of work....pack and sell the rest of the pay off that 40000$ processor in a few months.....
If market is in!!....drop your whole sale price to 1.50$......still pretty good 1/2 year biz.....192 000$ revenue...minus 80000$ for the logs is 112000$ for expenses and living....thats probly enough for 1/2 year biz.....