Firewood ?

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Jun 3, 2002
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Does any one know how many face cords or cords can be loosely thrown into the bed of a long box pick up truck? Keep in mind thrown in, not stacked. I know the term "face cord" is a bit ambigous.
What I really need is a formula that will figure in cords how much wood is in a area loosely thrown.
I usually fiqure wood thrown loose takes up 50% more space than wood stacked. Seems to have worked out pretty close everytime. One loose full cord = 128 + 64 = 192 cu ft. I concur with 2 face cord really rounded up on a full size (8 ft) pickup. I can get a full cord on a pickup if I stack 4 rows the length of the bed, with one row across in front of the tailgate, without using sideracks.
Not the answer to your question Ben but ....It is possible to put a full cord on a long bed with only limited stacking. Throw the bed almost level full. Stack wood around the sides so that one end angles in and down toward the bed. The high end points out (and overhangs rails). Stack to the top of the cab. Throw the center full and slightly rounded up over the stacked wood. Stand back and admire squatting truck.:cool:
Ben , to answer the question correctly , we need to know what is the lenght of your wood cause it makes a difference on the answer, around here if you sell wood to Toronto you will be cutting alot of 12 inch wood and it is 180 cu. ft per bush cord , 16 inch wood has more air so we used 195-200 cu.ft. per cord
1 full cord

4x4x8=128 a long bed truck is 8x5.5 and between the wheel wells it is 4 so if you stack up 4 high 4 wide and 8 long you would have a cord with little room left on each side my friend Mo has a wood yard and he sells cords lose on a long bed and he goes a rounded over cab high with racks so you get about 48 more cubic when sold lose 48+128=176cubic that way and his wood always ads up to 128 if not more P.S what is a face cord they dont have them out west
The wood will be trimmed to 12". The reason I am asking is I have a guy willing to buy 10 face cord (@ $45 per)of wood from me and the woodloot owner whose land I have been cutting on. We will split the procedes 50/50 with me doing the cutting/skidding and him helping me load the stuff in a dump trailer. $450 dollars for a days works isnt too bad.
Hello Ben, with a loose thrown volume and measuring by facecord, your customer will be the happiest if you cut heavy to 15" wood. This way, not only will they get a full measure, but you will get exactly 1/2 BC if slightly more than level full on a full size p/u.
Also, be sure to sprinkle on some salt and pepper so you can tell the customer that it has been seasoned.
well here in the hoosier state a face cord is a rick 16"w x 4' x 8' and just throwin" in the bed of a pickup you can get about 2 1/2 in there
First, the size (weight handeling capacity) of the pickup. A 1/2 ton will be able to handle a lot less weight than a 3/4/ or 1 ton.

By a face cord are you talking about 4 X 8 X width of the cut wood? In this case 1 foot? Than really is a quarter cord.

I figure that a pickup with an 8 foot bed will take about 2/3 to 3/4 for a cord (128 cuft). More about weight than anything else. It is possible to stack as much wood on the truck as you want - just a matter of how high the sides are. But 2500 lbs of wood on a 1/2 or 3/4 ton truck may just cause you problems.

I delivered about 70 truck loads off a 3/4 ton dodge without side extensions last year to get the above thoughts.

A good answer to the question is to do a quick experiment. It only needs be done once. Stack your rick (whatever size 'rick' you are using). Now throw that rick on the PU. Repeat until full. See what is left out of probably the second rick (it is in my case). Note the answer and from now on you know how much is in your thrown load.

Harry K
Thanks guys. I just needed the vlume conversions. Now I can plug the numbers into my calculator to find out how much wood the dump trailer will hold. Hauling 10 cord with a pick up is too much work,lol.
BTW Gypo. The wood is well seasoned. Its coming from a woodlot that was cut 2 summers ago. The maple is bone dry and the oak and Yellow birch are close. Yellow birch and oak never really totally drys till its split ya know.
what is a cord going for in your neck of the woods guys ? .some people are selling it for 200 hundred a cord here . i sell it around $135 . $145 depending on the distance. and thats pretty cheap .
do you have to split the wood for 135 a cord that is realy cheap we get 125 a cord for hard wood in rounds in northern ca also 155 a cord for soft wood split but you can cut a red fur or white western pine tree that you can get about 5 cords out of so it is alot easier than hard wood I have some pictures I will have a friend try to put them on the site for you guys I got 11.5 cords out of one cedar tree 8.5 feet at the stump with no bark and got fatter as it went up and turned into 3 tops about 4 feet dia each and very very tall maybe 100 feet tall
About 1/2 cord

When I sold the stuff,it was by the pick up trunk load[Ford F-250].It would be around 1/2 cord,all 16" stuff,stacked,As has been said,a full cord would be over the roof,by about one layer.That,I might add,is quite a load.Talk about poor old truck,ouch.