first climb

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ArboristSite Operative
Aug 4, 2004
Reaction score
Flagstaff, AZ
I tried climbing for the first time today, sure it was only 20-25ft but its a start. I played around one pine in back for a while just going up 5 or 6 feet so that I could adjust my saddle and test my knot tying ablitly, the moved to a tree out front that allowed me to set my line higher. I the hip thrust, not sure if I am doing proper but was able to climb the way I interpreted it, with more instruction I am sure I will be more efficient. Glad I sarted out low because the way that I had run my straps on my saddle alowed them to start backing off, so I re routed them and now they hold tight. Did a little dead wood pruning while I was up there. I hope that in the next few weeks I can receive more instructions from my co-workers. Probably by spring work will have me in for Arbor Master training, so far I am dong the two felling modules in the next month and a half. Work wants me to be able to climb, even though all my work is done from the ground (I am a utility forester that permits work and educates customers). They want me to be able to participate in trainning with the crews. I certainly look forward to learning a skill that will allow me to really become an arborist (right now I am of those non-climbing certfied aborist that some consider not to be a tre arborist). Right now I am climbing on a Sherill Pro belt that was given to me free, master leg straps, that I had to pay for, Hi-vee rope and a blue streak split tail, no pulley and snap yet. Work will provide most of my equipment, but I think I will start to purchase my own so that I can climb more outside of work. Sorry for the long post but I am happy to see myself learning something new, its been a year filled with new experiences for me.
Good for you man. Nice to see someone who doesn't have to climb wanting to do it. All you need now is a ms 200 and some spurs, utility reps that can or did climb usually get and deserve more respect. Not saying that people that never climb deserve less respect, but after you can climb you'll really be able to talk to the guys.
So I take that you climbed with a Taut Line and a split tail for quick redirects, you should try to get a pulley they help alot. Thats good nice to see more monkeys in trees:Monkey:LOL. But wait until you get to learn the kunt and vt they are great to know.
Good for you and welcome to the small but growing club of CA's that actually climb:) Get a copy of the Tree Climbers Companion for some tips and knot uses. Check out some arborist supply websites for more tools and toys than you will ever need or use, and ask questions on what works and what is still sitting in a bag in the back of the truck. Be careful and have fun.
climber1423 said:
But wait until you get to learn the kunt and vt they are great to know.

Your starting off on the right foot, Welcome to the site. Psssst,, don't let the tautline advocates sway you to their side. :laugh:

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Ax-man said:
Your starting off on the right foot, Welcome to the site. Psssst,, don't let the tautline advocates sway you to their side. :laugh:

Im not really new this is just a new name. But ya they are swaying me their way. But if I ever forget my prussik cord I can always use the taut line.
Thanks, no taut line, used a blakes, learned is back in 99 when I worked for Davey spraying trees out of Auburn Hills in Michigan. I do have the tree climbers companion and read it over every once in a while and use it as one of my guides to practice knots. I climb up the tree in front today to take off a dead limb that hangs over the side walk. My weight and current physical state dotes not help, 6'2" 255lbs. and have not worked out for years. I am a little sore but now have more motivation to start working out again. I plan on trying to climb a little each week to help develop my strength. Just a thought, can I add and extra rave to the blakes to help hold up my bulk? I have to lighten up a bit. Thanks again.