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ArboristSite Operative
Sep 25, 2003
Reaction score
East Meadow, NY
Well as most of you have read about or commented on....I have not yet removed that large white pine from the Tying into the stick thread. Yesterday I was up at my aunts house in Yorktown Heights (I finally got to meet Treeman82) I removed 4 large maples. These things were about 40-50 ft tall and were all leader. I don't own spikes so taking the tops out of these largely dead trees was an impossibility (at least for me) so I used my throwline and throw bag to tow my rigging line into the tree. With my uncle and wife on rope I cut my notch and then my back cut. After each one fell I bucked it up and the family came in dragging brush and carting away logs. I had a tight spot I had to drop them in and managed to do so without damaging anything. God was on my side yesterday.

Only one cause me to cringe a bit. Of course it was the largest DBH of the 4 I was taking down and it had a noticeable back lean to it. Just to add why I cringed, the back leaning maple was pointed directly at the neighboors cars and house. Long story short, 4 big maples down dropped on target. I was a happy camper. Job well done with no injuries.

PS. MrsSawBoss woke up sore as all he!! and made sure I knew about it too.

P.P.S MrsSawBoss was face to face Treeman82 and it looked as though it would have gotten nasty had he not walked away. SHEESH!!
Originally posted by NYSawBoss
P.P.S MrsSawBoss was face to face Treeman82 and it looked as though it would have gotten nasty had he not walked away. SHEESH!!

Please, elaborate!!!:blob2:

Oh, and congrats!!!:cool:
Originally posted by NYSawBoss
(I finally got to meet Treeman82)

P.P.S MrsSawBoss was face to face Treeman82 and it looked as though it would have gotten nasty had he not walked away. SHEESH!!

I was gonna ask you if fists were flying, so she stood face to face and he turned and walked away, good for her:cool:
Congrats Tony on a safe and successfull takedowns. Did you have to pound a few wedges in the one with the lean or did you use only the bull line? A few weeks ago i was watching a guy fall a good size pin oak probably 70 ft or so and quite wide in the crown for a pin oak. i asked if he thought it might be a good idea to atleast take off some of the larger limbs but he thought dropping it was a better idea. And its his job his Co so who am i to tell him how to do his jobs so i just watched. The lean of the tree was twards the home owners boat house not a real bad lean but deffinatly a lean. so the guy set up a 3 to one pulley system on a bull rope that was tied to the stem at about 6o feetup the tree, to coax the tree into going the right direction. Well when he made the knotch and walked around to make his back cut all i could hear was a huge SNAP CRACKLE POPPP and tree went over. smashing the spiral staircase of the home owners boat house.. and laying out across a patio crushing a table some chairs and almost a small spruce and two light poles. it was very scary just seeing it. At first i didnt heave anything comming from over by Dave the guy making the cut. I ran over to make sure he was ok and he was. just speechless about what just happened. There was some punky wood and a slight hollow in the center of the tree. he should have notices when making his notch but did not for some reason. And also i believe it may have still been alright had it not been for the 3 to one pulley system with 2 large groundies pulling on it before he made his back cut.. there was alot of wood snapped off when all was said and done.. its just a good thing no one was hurt or even worse.. not trying to scare you with this. just a reminder to be safe. And check things over real good before putting a saw into the wood. you never know what might be going on inside of a tree. espechially a dead tree. even though this one in this case was alive and well. it still hade major internal problems.

Take care and good job!
All I am going to say is that the end result was ok... I drove by this afternoon and looked.
My Italian's a little rough (non-existent, really).  What's the English equivalent?

Well, figure I might as well tell my side of the story from Sunday.

I did my whole dead elm tree deal in the morning, got home around 11:00. I talked with a few neighbors about some BS and then took a walk down to the end of the road where Tony and his wife were working. He knew who I was before I even said anything. I walked over and said hello, asked if I could be of any help, etc. I offered the use of any of my equipment if they needed it, however they declined my offer. Tony said something about the "prostitution thread" which I wasn't too happy about because I think it was the wrong time and place to be talking about something like that... not in front of my neighbors who I see on a semi regular basis... who I have worked for in the past, and his aunt and uncle. According to Tony we have met in the past, when I was like 15 or so, however I don't remember that. Mrssawboss comes over at some point and starts yelling and cursing me out in Italian, so I decided to leave in order to avoid making a scene.

For a couple of side notes: the trees were all dead ash of about 12" DBH. The LZ wasn't huge, but it wasn't tiny either. While I was standing there talking with Tony for a little bit, I noticed his uncle standing there with a pull line tied around his body. I was going to say something, and really should have... but didn't want to step on anybodys' toes.

I went back home and started to unload my tools from that morning's job. In doing so I had to bring my cant hook back inside. I really wanted to bring the cant hook over so that they wouldn't have to bust their butts rolling the logs, but figured it would be better to just stay away.

So... that's the short version coming from my mouth.
Well, in Matt's defense..... Tasteless as the Prostitution thread may have been, cursing someone out about a week old 'conversation' when they are presently being polite and offering to help isn't appropriate. Offering criticism,no matter how constructive, to someone who is already angry doesn't usually give good results. Walking away and staying away sounds like a good course of action.
I thought the thread was in poor taste and when it was perceived as offensive some apology would have been appropriate.Nonetheless Mrs.Sawboss's reaction seems extreme.
I agree, Justin.

Further- again, cursing someone out in a language you know they don't speak is simple cowardice. Doing so in that sitaution was uncouth.

That said, the thread was the thread. I believe all that needed to be said was already said. Today's another day. It would be like someone walking up to Mrs.SawBoss and slapping her in the face for cutting them off in traffic a coupla years ago- pointless.

I think Tony ended up on the losing end, ultimately. Instead of a chance to work with someone at least a little more experienced than him, a possible friendship and mentor was collectively ruined. I hope it was worth it- over a few meaningless words typed in a non-existant realm.

The worst part of it is that Tony successfully got the trees down without damage- yet I doubt he learned anything. He may have only contributed to a "cockiness" that will get him hurt later.

Tony, glad all went well. However, don't view your success as having "learned enough". You're still at the very tippity tip of the iceberg; there's a whole ocean more to know before you can call yourself a master. Not breaking balls, but I've seen alot of people get to thinking they know more than they do, and end up getting seriously hurt or killed.

Now, the first thing you may say is "you don't know what yer talking about." Trust me, I do.

The second thing: "Not me". Well, yeah, you.

If I have to read your obituary in the "Injuries and Fatalities" forum, I'm gonna dig you up and kick yer arse. =0)
We ARE judged by our words/images though. What else is there if you are 'knowing' someone through this medium?

A blanket statement about a group is wrong. I left that thread feeling that Matt thinks that women are as a whole manipulative, money grubbing, etc. While it kinda pissed me off immediately, I also know there's probably some history behind that view, and at his young age, hopefully he has a good chance to be proven wrong (if he allows it, of course.) Not much one can do to change that via a keyboard though.

First impressions may not be accurate, but it's what we (humans) do. FOR INSTANCE.....Tundraotto's avatar (and the p0rnographic pics that BigJohn was throwing out the other night) give a definite negative impression to females....IMHO.

It's difficult to look past those type of statements, and it's a shame that a professional relationship (and a chance at learning) was compromised because of it. Hopefully they can all try to understand the other's point of view and come to a peaceful acceptance. I don't think it's that common to agree with both someone's personal AND professional beliefs....WONDERFUL when it does, just not that common.