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Originally posted by che
It's difficult to look past those type of statements, and it's a shame that a professional relationship (and a chance at learning) was compromised because of it. Hopefully they can all try to understand the other's point of view and come to a peaceful acceptance. I don't think it's that common to agree with both someone's personal AND professional beliefs....WONDERFUL when it does, just not that common.

I was thinking the same thing. Additionally I was thinking that sometimes words can be taken the wrong way over a forum such as this. Tone of voice, facial expressions and body language are as important as the words themselves. JMO.
Was this a chance meeting or did Tony and 82 actually make some sort of plan to get together? example:" I'm going to be at my aunt's on such and such day. Pop by if you are in the area." If Ilenia wants 82 to kill himself and Tony supports his wife then why in the helll did this meeting even take place? I would hate to think that 82 was invited over for the sole reason of the Sawboss family giving him "what he deserves." Was there high fives going around after he was chased out of the yard?

If I've come to the wrong conclusion then somebody straighten me out because my head is shaking in disgust.
Congradulations on the work you did. You should always respect people from this thread. Sometimes tempers flair. Weather it's justified or not you shouldn't be disrespecful to anyone who is trying to help you out. It will bite you in the tail eventualy. I hope you two can work things out.
But Dan, Matt didn't call her a prostitute on the board. It was crass but he didn't say that all women are prostitutes or that sex was the only way that men and women can form relationships. He just implied (and this IS offensive and tasteless) that prostitution seemed like the cheapest route to sexual intercourse. You may recall that I gave Matt a hard time about the thread. That 'conversation' is OVER. I wish Tony and Ilenia all the best but her reaction to Matt in person doesn't imply a mature response in either side's recounting.

I now will bow out and if everyone wishes to continue fussing they can do it without my input. It is past time for all involved to say "Truce. I'm sorry. Forgive me. Let's try to be friends."
Now that I've re-thought this. I have to agree that there are two sides to every story. The old saying goes it takes two to tango. Just my opinion.
Just Because


I apologize having made you feel uncomfortable bringing up the thread at that moment. I also apologize for my wifes demeanor at that time. I only wish that the incident at my aunts had not occurred so that I might have spoken with you more in depth and perhaps as Eric said, forged a friendship. If the offer still stands to do so I am more than willing to give it another shot. Please understand that when ones wife or loved one is in the mix it tends to cause waves. It always ends up being a "what side of the fence" situation. I'm sure you can realize that at the time I had to apease the little woman. Once again I apologize and reassure you that your offer to help and lend equipment was most appreciated and I thank you.

Tony, don't worry about it. The next time you are working at your uncle and aunt's house, let me know and I will give you a hand, or at bare minimum we can go out and get a bite to eat. It's 1.8 mi. from my driveway to the best deli in the area. I am going to have to bow out again though if Mrssawboss will be with you. Learned my lesson there... BTW, that's not fiesty... I was having a conversation with a client / friend the other day who's wife is OLD school Italian. He was telling me about how nothing which might be eatable ever stays alive when she is around. :eek: SHE is a tough cookie.

Dan, and Che. One of the things which I tried to stress in every post I made in that thread was this... in a relative to forum way.

Daniel, please come over and prune my magestic old oak tree for $5,000 (you take the job and I have just purchased your physical body for the purpose of tree work.)

Daniel, I want you to think about my old oak tree every minute of every day for $20,000,000. Yeah, you might very well take the job, but will you really do it?

Point is... a BODY can be bought at some price or another. A MIND, a HEART, a SOUL, cannot actually be bought for ANY price.

I respect women, however sometimes I say things which offend them. It is not meant to though.
Yo, I'll trim yur oak for five gees.

It's all good, Matt. We're all prostitutes in one way or another.

I knew what you were getting at... it's a shame everyone else was so slow on the uptake. :laugh:
Looks like we have another winning thread in the Commercial Tree Care and Climbing forum. Along with the added attraction of a family squabble for ongoing education and learning.

Only two posts dealing with trees, the first one and the best one of the Pin Oak going the wrong way.

Matt, you're probably too young to listen to stuff like this, but there's a lesson here in these lyrics. From the long version of "One bourbon, one shot, and one beer."

So I go down the streets,
down to my good friend's house
I said "Look man I'm outdoors you know,
can I stay with you maybe a couple days?"
He said "Let me go and ask my wife"
He come out of the house,
I could see it in his face
I know that was no
He said "I don't know man, ah she kinda funny, you know"
I said "I know, everybody funny, now you funny too"
-George Thoroughgood
The touchy feeley he man photo is very disturbing.
On another note. One Bourbon, one scotch and one beer is actually a John Lee Hooker tune.

Originally posted by biker
The touchy feeley he man photo is very disturbing.

It all depends on yur mindset, and how you interpret it. Do you get disturbed when a football player pats another's butt?:D
I deleted my long winded post. I had a good time writing it, but forgot who I was speaking to. Good luck. I'm done.
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