So you plan on spiking up, with just a linemans belt and a lanyard and blowing tops outa trees for better satilite reception? First of all, spiking should only be used on take downs, learn how to climb on ropes before you climb on spikes. If you gaff out at 60 feet you have a long way to the ground if you dont catch yourself...remember a belt is not a fall arrest device....most climbing saddles unless you have a full body harness are not fall arrest devices. Get yourself a GOOD saddle, something with leg straps, you can find Buckingham saddles with leg straps for a pretty good price, probably right around 125-175. Get yourself a good climbing line, decide on what system you are going to use, the basic is the Double rope technique with a blakes hitch...your gonna need a throwball and throwline to set your line, unless you plan on free climbing to the top to set your climbing line to decend with. Blowing tops isnt easy, it take a lot of practice and confidence, blowing out 30 feet of tree above you when your at 60 feet on nothing but spikes and your flip line requires a lot of skill. If it comes over backwards for some reason, you dont have anywhere to run outa the way...and remember when you drop the top, your gonna go for a ride so be prepared to hold on. Your gonna be cutting right above your landyard, so I hope you have a wirecore to be on the safe side, and your skills with a chainsaw are up there as well. I prefer to be double tied in, my climbing line set with a friction saver, below my flip line as a back up should something go wrong. I much rather be able to swing outa the way should S*it hit the fan then try and dance around the tree on spikes and a lanyard when you only have seconds to move. Topping trees is really a no-no when it comes to arborculture, the tree will look like hell after its done. Learn how to climb spikeless on ropes first, get used to moving around the tree, dont bring a chainsaw up until you feel as comfortable in the tree as you do walking on the ground. It takes time and practice to become a climber and even more time and skill to get to the point of where you are blowing tops outa trees. Get the right gear, all of the right gear, its your life up there, one wrong move and you might get a one way trip to the ground.