treeminator, one thing you should learn..(and there's a hel l of lot more) is not to judge what others do, especially since, by all appearances, you are nothing but a young upstart, with little or no training. Maybe I'm wrong, can you tell me how to tie an Mt, or install a FS from the ground? how about explaining natural target pruning? or the characteristics of modern arborist climbing ropes made of polyester versus polypropylene, and nylon, what is a dynamic versus static line and loading, about why a pre climb tree inspection should be done--and how to do it....and on and on...
all that means is that you read a book or two. just show me a tree, throw me a rope, and give me a chainsaw. i've seen haitians in florida climb naturally up 60ft palm trees. do they now all that terminology? no, but they sure as hell know how to make a palm tree look damn good. your questions are irrelevant unless you're in a classroom and not in the field.