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rbtree said:
treeminator, one thing you should learn..(and there's a hel l of lot more) is not to judge what others do, especially since, by all appearances, you are nothing but a young upstart, with little or no training. Maybe I'm wrong, can you tell me how to tie an Mt, or install a FS from the ground? how about explaining natural target pruning? or the characteristics of modern arborist climbing ropes made of polyester versus polypropylene, and nylon, what is a dynamic versus static line and loading, about why a pre climb tree inspection should be done--and how to do it....and on and on...

all that means is that you read a book or two. just show me a tree, throw me a rope, and give me a chainsaw. i've seen haitians in florida climb naturally up 60ft palm trees. do they now all that terminology? no, but they sure as hell know how to make a palm tree look damn good. your questions are irrelevant unless you're in a classroom and not in the field.
treeminator said:
rbtree said:
treeminator, one thing you should learn..(and there's a hel l of lot more) is not to judge what others do, especially since, by all appearances, you are nothing but a young upstart, with little or no training. Maybe I'm wrong, can you tell me how to tie an Mt, or install a FS from the ground? how about explaining natural target pruning? or the characteristics of modern arborist climbing ropes made of polyester versus polypropylene, and nylon, what is a dynamic versus static line and loading, about why a pre climb tree inspection should be done--and how to do it....and on and on...

all that means is that you read a book or two. just show me a tree, throw me a rope, and give me a chainsaw. i've seen haitians in florida climb naturally up 60ft palm trees. do they now all that terminology? no, but they sure as hell know how to make a palm tree look damn good. your questions are irrelevant unless you're in a classroom and not in the field.

I don't think I like you ,you sound like a total ******!!!!,i'd love to see you tackle the work RB does,you'd chit yourself,take your pompus head out of your arse,then come back and talk sense :notrolls2:
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I don't how you come up with some of these figures, but let's just see how sharp your pencil is.

If you buy an item for .50 cents and sell it for $ 1.00. What is your percentage of mark-up on the sale???? Should be easy enough.

Treeminator, I'm curious-how long have you been in the tree business and how much climbing, trimming, bucket work, removals, etc have you done? I have been climbing 50-60 hours a week, 50 weeks a year for 10 years (3 years trimming, 7 years removals.) I know my way around a tree but I still learn new things all the time and am willing to learn from someone with much more experience than me (which is why I like this site.) I think that is why you have such a hard time on this site. You are obviously a rookie, yet you think you have all the answers and are not willing to listen to someone who knows what they are talking about. Granted, some of the things said on this site need to be taken with a grain of salt but some stuff is really useful. As for myself, I have never worked out of a bucket so you will never see me try to bull:censored: someone on this site who obviously has bucket experience. Yet if I were to ask a legitimate question about bucket work, I am sure I would get a decent response.

Just me being philosophical!
Ax-man said:
I don't how you come up with some of these figures, but let's just see how sharp your pencil is.

He uses his fingers and toes. If it's a big number then he gets some more fingers and toes at the local fast food joint.

Is it possible that treeterminaturd is trying to introduce the tree business to a pyramid scheme?:dizzy: