flyer results for day 1 = 2,025% ROI

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treeminator, one thing you should learn..(and there's a hel l of lot more) is not to judge what others do, especially since, by all appearances, you are nothing but a young upstart, with little or no training. Maybe I'm wrong, can you tell me how to tie an Mt, or install a FS from the ground? how about explaining natural target pruning? or the characteristics of modern arborist climbing ropes made of polyester versus polypropylene, and nylon, what is a dynamic versus static line and loading, about why a pre climb tree inspection should be done--and how to do it....and on and on...

IMO, most tree services underpay their help, be it a well trained climber or a newbie brush dragger.....but, then, in many locales, the low ball hack competition forces them to not be able to charge a good rate. For some of the highly technical jobs that many of us are capabnle of doing, I feel we should be always be able to charge a premium, but still be able to get a good rate when doing all work. In todays economic environment, and where I work, I think those rates should be 80-100 per manhour, but most companies aren't able to command that much and stay competitive. The guidleline that I've always used is to pay well trained, experienced crew members 40% of that hourly rate.

Now, if I were a biigger, more organized outfit that sent out a competent crew every day, I'd have a full benefits program for them, and likely pay them a ltttle less...but they'd have full medical, retirement, and paid vacation. But I like to be on most jobs, so my percentage of the profits goes up, but I need time to do bids and office stuff, plus scratch my as s, so we only work on average 4 days a week.
clearance said:
You provide a lot of amusesment to the site, the biggest cull/troll since I have been here.

Really? You like him better than Simon or Sap for that title? Wow! Treeminator, you have been INsulted!
right on, I have had similiar results.

I have found great ways to cut costs with my flyer production and distribution. My wife is a 1st grade teacher and she gets her students to copy my flyers with crayons and finger paints. I get about 400-500 produced a day, they're getting really good too. Then you see, I sit about 6-8 kids before and after school, they have busy working parents. I have an activities program for them while they're with me, where we go out and knock on doors and hand out flyers. The response is phenominal. Sometimes I get the kids a little dirty or don't give them a coat when it's cold out, the people can't resist when the kids pitch their shpeal about how their single dad has all he can do to make ends meet, and how they just want to help the're daddy be happy so he can send the children to college and in the mean time by them some nice cloths. Mean while I'm a toolin around in my new kingranch F-350 diesel, of course I do not show up to the jobs with that, infact I do not show up to most jobs at all, I go to the local home depo or lowes and pick up a crew give them the lowdown, most can't speak english anyways, and send them off with a beater dump and chuck-n-duck. Man am I all kindsa smart.

Now I do not have a return of investment on my flyers, see I get paid to watch these kids. Oh I do take the kids out for an ice cream on fridays, if they meet my quotas.
tophopper said:
Wow Im so very impressed, 3 grand worth of work; :jawdrop:

i agree, 3 grand isn't impressive by itself. but it's very impressive considering it was generated within 48 hours from a blind advertisement (black and white Kinko's ad) costing $60 (labor included).

today another home called on the flyer and a $600 contract was signed. we're now up to $3700 from the original $60 experiment within 72 hours and i'm sure some more homeowners will call throughout the rest of the month.
Way to go, Treeminator. I'm not sure where this bad blood is coming from (and I'll probably be called a *********** just for complimenting you) but you took a chance and did well with it. Anyone here try cold calling? I know people hate it, but I have a couple friends in other businesses who got started with cold calling.
maxburton said:
Way to go, Treeminator. I'm not sure where this bad blood is coming from (and I'll probably be called a *********** just for complimenting you) but you took a chance and did well with it. Anyone here try cold calling? I know people hate it, but I have a couple friends in other businesses who got started with cold calling.
Max, you seem like a decent guy. Treeminator came here bragging how he gets climbers from fast food places, trains them in one day, gives them junk saws, used to give them electric saws, pays them $8 hr, brainwashes them, gets climbing rope from Homo-Depot, and on and on. He was spotted as a troll early on, by myself and others, you are not the first to be taken in. A fellow called Big John complained at my less than nice responce to TT, I said that when he figured out TT was a troll he didn't have to apologize, never heard from him again, embarressed I guess.
tophopper said:
Ahh, c'mon tophopper, it is just too much fun.
I think we need to start a thread on cost-cutting techniques for treeminator. Like when dropping a tree you were paid to take down, you notch and drop it into a neighboring tree causing several branches to break off. You then tell the homeowner you can fix the damage to the neighboring tree, but only for a price. Heck, you could use this method to do the trees of everyone in a neighborhood. Just keep notching and dropping into the next yard.:laugh:
treeminator said:
this is in a well established neighborhoods where people generally have their own favorite lawn and tree guys. so something on that flyer must be making them abandon their loyalty and hire me.

Sounds like you may have underbid all the local operators, probably just folks taking advantage of a sale. curious , do you have state/local license to do the work, liability insurance for damage and the possibility of an injury to an employee if an accident occurs, in one of these well established neighborhoods?
why bother with this fool?

Id express my feelings further(and actually did but have been censored already).

Its obvious this kid is just a kid, and hes either a compulsive liar or on the road to tragedy.
Actually I think alittle of both, he wants our approval, so he tells us how good he is and how much money he is making, sad thing is, he hasnt a clue about our industry and at his rate, the only ad he'll be taking up is in the obituaries.

Treeminator, do yourself a favor and get back on the mower.
Dadatwins said:
Sounds like you may have underbid all the local operators, probably just folks taking advantage of a sale. curious , do you have state/local license to do the work, liability insurance for damage and the possibility of an injury to an employee if an accident occurs, in one of these well established neighborhoods?

i'm totally on the up and up. in fact, i'm licensed to do tree work in EVERY county in the state of Florida. something to do with Hurricane Wilma. they waived all bounderies (for a year i think) because all the midwest yahoo hurricane chasers came in overight.
1 million dollar insurance policy.
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Dadatwins said:
Sounds like you may have underbid all the local operators
no i didn't and that's what's so mysterious about the flyer i put out. i took the prices right out from the local publications and newspaper ads. i copied the prices exactly.
clearance said:
Max, you seem like a decent guy. Treeminator came here bragging how he gets climbers from fast food places, trains them in one day, gives them junk saws, used to give them electric saws, pays them $8 hr, brainwashes them, gets climbing rope from Homo-Depot, and on and on. He was spotted as a troll early on, by myself and others, you are not the first to be taken in. A fellow called Big John complained at my less than nice responce to TT, I said that when he figured out TT was a troll he didn't have to apologize, never heard from him again, embarressed I guess.

clearance i'm not a troll. i don't know how else to tell you that. i come from a different industry and had no prior experience with trees. i literally got laid off and bought some chainsaws and a stumpgrinder. i haven't been tainted by working for another tree company before this. climbing, yeah i took the crash course. i used to tell my employees..."i learned to climb because if i don't, nobody else will."
maxburton said:
Way to go, Treeminator. I'm not sure where this bad blood is coming from (and I'll probably be called a *********** just for complimenting you) but you took a chance and did well with it. Anyone here try cold calling? I know people hate it, but I have a couple friends in other businesses who got started with cold calling.

thank you, i appreciate that :cheers:
i started out cold-calling tree work. it's tough, but damn it's effective. i still do it occasionally. but lately i've been hitting the big commercial contracts.

when cold calling, i used to get dressed up all preppy with a golf shirt. i can't tell you how many times i got hired because i look "trustworthy."
treeminator said:
no i didn't and that's what's so mysterious about the flyer i put out. i took the prices right out from the local publications and newspaper ads. i copied the prices exactly.

How do you copy prices for tree work?

Ive yet to see ANY ad that has prices listed for services.

You truley are clueless arent you!
tophopper said:
How do you copy prices for tree work?

Ive yet to see ANY ad that has prices listed for services.

You truley are clueless arent you!

they have prices listed. 12" or less stumps for example