Frank, what I think would be an interesting test is to do some comparison at the next GTG. For instance, we often have a blind wine test, where we put sacks over the bottles to conceal their identity, then have everyone taste each bottle and write down their opinion as to which one is "their best wine." Often times there is general agreement; but, not always.
You can't cover up the saws; but, I was thinking that at a GTG, it would be neat to let everyone try out all the saws on a log or two; then have each guy write down his notes. Only after everyone has finished using the different saws, then compare notes. This is not a precise or scientific method; but, it would give some general ideas. In fact its probably not fair at all due to the different weights and sizes of the saws and the participants; but, I think it would be a fun exercise just the same.
I've had a lot of guys use both of my woods modified 361's with 'similar' bar and chains (not the exact bar and chain) and time after time, they tell me they are 'so close' its hard for them to tell the difference.
I think you can have a definite 'preference' but end up buying another saw, because of cost, dealer support, etc. etc. etc. That's why I buy Toyota's instead of a Mercede's