Footlocking outdated? Don't think so my friends. Every method of entry has it's place and time. I personally use all possible methods. Anyone who is neglecting to learn an entry method; well, they haven't yet mastered their craft. We've all heard the excuses, whether it be because they're fat and lazy or just old and broken, if your're gonna be in this business be prepared it's a physical job. Get your butt to the gym if you're out of shape. Lay off the beer and potato chips and footlocking isn't so bad. Most people just won't spend enough time mastering they're technique, which makes this so much of an easier procedure.
Nothing wrong w/ using less strenuous methods, i too own a pantin. Do i use it often? No. If your that out of shape, then maybe you should become a chemical guy; just face it your not a climber. Nothing wrong w/ this but for someone who is speaking in a climber's forum, i don't think it's right to be putting down accepted methods of entry.