Free Tree Removals

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:) Hey, thats me. I am happy when people want to give me free trees. Just a few stipulations. Its saw log removal and not tree removal. There can't be too many time consuming trees, and a minimum of around 16 tons unless a close neighbor has a simular situation. " Yard jobs" like that are gravy for me because there is no brush and its almost always a close easy skid.

Idiot Logger
I have a bunch of beetle killed pines up my way that the property owners want me to take down for fire wood. If I was that desperate for the wood I may consider it, but pine only sells for about about 130 a cord. I dont think so. How ever if it was a nice dead Black Walnut I may consider it becasuse I can mill the wood an make some killer coffee tables out of it. I wont usually do free removals unless its for friends or family.

I knocked on 2 doors today offering free tree removals. The first was a 45" diameter hatracked black walnut. I offered to remove the tree, grind the stump and replant. The homeowner said he'd already had offers, may have another tree in the backyard that needed something, he'd talk to his wife. The second people didn't answer, so I left a note and card. 2 burly sycamore sticks under the powerlines. One 48" the other maybe 30" Same plan, make them go away and plant something more appropriate. The black walnut stick is probably worth around $1k delivered. Not sure about the sycamore, but I'd have it sawn and dry it. Everyone needs a hobby :).
A number of crane operators in Seattle area do 'free' removals.
Will cruise a neighborhod, will come in for 'free' Doug Fir tree removal only if assured of 2-3 log truck loads of 16' - 32' plus 2 ft dia logs from multiple neighbors. About $1k per tree removal cost under 15 in dia according to neighbor.

Knocked down about 15 cords of 40+ in dia of cottonwood last year in own back yard, now big log playhouse for the grandkids, only worth $50 cord delivered to pulp mill here.

Have about 2-3 door knockers a year asking about the 10K+ BF per tree in a few trees in my back yard.
That Black Walnut game is a dangerous game to play. A local sawmill here was actually buying yard trees. I know this guy had at least $ 900 invested in this tree, plus paying us to cut it down to a min. 16' ft. spar, $300 (this was years ago), then he had to haul his small Cat 25mi for one tree and play around winching and pulling the trunk out the owners yard, this was Feb. soft ground and all, ruts and broken sidewalks, what a mess. Then he had to load and haul back to his log yard.

This was a very nice looking Walnut, veneer grade to me. After all this fuss for one tree, the timber buyer rejected it for veneer, some thing about bird peck in it?? only good for saw boards , talk about a big time loss.

We also did another tree for the same guy, the second Walnut, to me anyway was a rattier looking tree, the buyer loved this one for some reason. Unfortunately, the second tree didn't cancel the loss from the other tree. This Black Walnut is just a speculative game to me if your in the board business.

I'd call the guy up and ask about this free removal policy... maybe even farm some work out to him....
I have seen prices on big removals racing down the lasty couple of years... I won't be competitive in that market if this keeps up, which is OK with me... I've got other fish to fry.
If I was in the same locale as this guy I would have to see what this was all about, I'm with the crowd that has taken trees down free for friends, etc..but not to advertise this as a service..I lost once on cleaning up a pine for free that had fallen over..
I took down a huge silver maple today, was able to flop most of it, got about 2 cords of fire wood that I will sell this winter for 350 a cord, oh and I charged the guy 1,200. Gotta love days like that.

i saw an ad in the paper that still has me grinnin' >>> "Free firewood. You take down tree" i'm so there.... NOT!
Free Luncheon

Just joined you tree freaks .... hi,
reason, we want a bucket truck just like you folks have....
So we can cut trees down for free.
We all quit our jobs and scrapped up about $4,000.00
We are all good mechanics and plan to fix or repair it.(junk yard wars style)
Plus, I am a really good driver. Need to practice tree removal though, and that's why we'd gladly take down your trees for free ! NOT !
We are simply looking into another income op. Besides we all have trees to remove, to make room for the new garage needed to fix up the bucket truck ! NOT !
"Theres Gold in Them Thar Trees"
Send me any leads to a bucket truck thats in and around a few grand. We will pay shipping....Hurry before all the free tree removal jobs are gone !
back to sleep I go....ZZZZZzzzzzz :blob5: