farmer you got it, Box elder, Acer negundo. It's not very dense wood, but when dry it will burn just fine.
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I gotta tell ya that ain't no box elder. nope. box elder's got this pink to red center, ain't no red in that stuff.
'tiswood, that's what it is.......
Ailanthus altissima
Without a doubt.
A fellow plant nerd, glad to see you around.
I try not to be too much of a nerd about it. But I do get a lot of crap from friends becuase I don't call plants by common names.
ME - "Hey, thats a nice Cercis!!"
FRIEND - "WTF is a Cercis?? I see a tree with pink flowers, but no Cercis."
Here is the last pic from SPED along with a smooth sumac in my yard.