Fueding neighbor situations

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May 23, 2002
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Do any of you get involved in fueding neigbor situations??

Neighbor X has a tree that is one foot on their property and hangs over neighbor Y's porch and yard.

Tree is a very sound, unique, old live oak.

Neighbor X wants to cut the tree because he gets no enjoyment from it and it is the center piece of neighbor Y's yard.

Neighbor X hates the fence Y put up, so he wants to cut the tree in spite.

I suggested therapy for the neighbors.

Y won't allow access to his yard. So I shot X a sky high leave me alone # to remove the tree.

Bird brain calls back now a few weeks later and says do it. I finally started entertaining doing it until X called and said what I should do if Y calls the police or tries to sue, etc.

Now I am just not returning calls. Life is way too short to deal with bitter unhappy, dishonest people.

Any of you get involved in sticky situations like this and where does the law stand??

I am out, sanity is hard to find as is w/out these people.

The lower leg of this tree.

Cut only, $1000 (of course it can't be lowered down, it has to come back to the yard.)
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Here it’s a right to prune any part of a tree that intrudes on your property, most want the job done right but you do get the nutty neighbors. I have walked away from such feuds, even from a very good customer – which held a grudge on me for a whole year. The peace of mind and unwanted publicity was worth it though.
I would walk from that job unless I had a signed agreement from both parties.
I get those alot. I almost always can find a happy medium that keeps both neighbors happy, and the tree healthy. Of course, you just have to price it to make it worthwhile.

Here in Mass it's a tricky thing, legally. You have the right to clear whatever hangs over the property line up to the sky; however, if your actions kill the tree, you can be sued for the value of the tree. Kind of double-edged sword.

The key is having two neighbors that are willing to communicate; if you can't get that, walk away.

As a side note, the bottom of my statements have the phrase (in plenty big enough print) right above the customers' signature line :"Your payment in full is an acknowledgement that the work was done to your complete satisfaction, and the premises left in good condition".
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At some point, I think that we all consider whether we work for "Blood Money" Are we arborists or assassins/hired guns?

$1,000 wasn't high enough, obviously, to jar the guy into reality. I bid a $300 bad neighbor job at $3,000 and told the guy that he was pre=paying me for the time that I was going to spend in court doing battle with he and his neighbor.

Originally posted by Tom Dunlap
Are we arborists or assassins/hired guns?


So true. It will take a lot more than $1000 to buy my integrity. I enjoy sleeping with a clean conscience every night.

Plus, we are NOT dealing with rational people here. Possibly severly imbalanced people.

Appreciate everyone's input. Sometimes I am a bit alone, not having a biz partner to bounce ideas off of.

Thanks again,
