Hi All:
I have an issue that has me stumped

I have a question about fuel changing colour in the saw tank. I use Amsoil Saber in my 2-stroke gas mix for all of my chainsaws. Saber, when mixed, is a blue cool-aid/Gatorade colour. I went to winterize all my saws and when I poured out the gas of each piece of equipment, the fuel was blue in colour – as it was when freshly poured in. There was one exception. When I poured the fuel out of my new Echo CS620p saw, the fuel was orange/rose’ in colour. Almost as if the orange, plastic tank colour had bled into the fuel. Any ideas of what may be going on here? I did run five tanks of fuel through this Echo saw and each time I filled it up, the fuel inside was blue in colour. Fuel has stabilizer in the mix. All my chainsaws have sat for approximately 4 months since their last workout. Not sure what to think. Why is this the only piece of equipment that has had a fuel colour change? All the fuel used in these saws was from the same lot so each piece of equipment is using the same fuel mix. Any insights would be appreciated. I should note that the Echo saw fired up on the third pull (after sitting for 4 months) and ran well, so I can only conclude the colour change did not have any affect on gas quality.