Full House Chain???

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YEY ha i am i house builder now but i still think i build a better condo than a house builder seen most of the chains i make are 72 drivers or less
the stihl series speeks for itself boys , who has the most guys wins and that would be Tom, sorry but that is the truth
Wiley, I just went back and looked again just like you said. I timed the first cut for each guy as they each hit the wood. Sorry, in just the first cut there's a 1.5 second difference in cutting speed, and the saws were equal! Get out your stop watch and check it out. The watch don't lie.
Originally posted by tfj
Hey master blaster that was art's chain you seen lose by a mile LOL ya he is the master of slow:D

So, who gives a rat's behind if it was the slower of the two chains?

Winning goes a lot further than " who's chain is faster." Art is a winner because he took the time to educate us with his own knowledge.

You got what you wanted so move on. We don't need anymore of the BS banter!!!

Amazing how I started this thread with a simple question.

Look where it wound up.:confused: :confused: :confused:
I dont know where that chain might have been since it left Arts hand if indeed it did. Was it made for that saw and condidions? This is not a very well controlled test of Art's abilities in my mind.
In any case Art Martin has more class than you may ever dream about!

I was just going to say the same thing crofter. One thing that that Art would beat you a mile on is class. Dennis, why don't you offer any info or something of value to the site? It seams all you want to do is pump your image. Just my opinion, but if you spend all your time pumping your image, soon the tank might overflow on you. If you think you are the great warrior, that is fine. If you are the only one that thinks that, that isn't. I am not in the racing industry, but I can tell you that this site before you came was full of Art Martin fans. They raved about all the items they had recieved from him and how well they worked. The only reason I have heard of you, is all the self promoting you seem to do. I receive emails daily about how people are upset at something you did or say. Art's name never came up in this manner. I know it may be hard to hold a mirror up to look at yourself when you are holding your ego, but you may want to put it down for a moment.
Shape up or ship out!!!
Yes Dennis, smarten up! Don't make me come out there and box your ears!
Dennis, if you look below some of the user names, you will see an additional handle, such as hightech redneck, Joisey Boy, Mediator etc.
Below your username, I think you should have, "The Guy That Skates on thin Ice".
This is all good though and not to be taken personaly. It is just reverse popularity and serves to feed the ego all the more.
After calling Dennis recently, I came to the conclusion that you can take the boy out of the forest, but you can't take the forest out of the boy.
Tom when you are getting ready to put the bar in the wood when is the right time to do it. I notice you gun it a few times then get to work or you just feel it. I ask this since I am going to be kicking Lambert's butt at Dans.

I got the chains and let me tell you I was cutting Rock Maple all weekend it was sooo fast. Until I hit a Maple Tap. I ruined one so look for my new check It should be there in a few days.
Originally posted by Darin
I was just going to say the same thing crofter. One thing that that Art would beat you a mile on is class. Dennis, why don't you offer any info or something of value to the site? It seams all you want to do is pump your image. Just my opinion, but if you spend all your time pumping your image, soon the tank might overflow on you. If you think you are the great warrior, that is fine. If you are the only one that thinks that, that isn't. I am not in the racing industry, but I can tell you that this site before you came was full of Art Martin fans. They raved about all the items they had recieved from him and how well they worked. The only reason I have heard of you, is all the self promoting you seem to do. I receive emails daily about how people are upset at something you did or say. Art's name never came up in this manner. I know it may be hard to hold a mirror up to look at yourself when you are holding your ego, but you may want to put it down for a moment.
Shape up or ship out!!!

This should apply to Tom Fales as well.
It sure does apply to anyone with this behavior.
Darrin, I did not post that video, but did comment that it was good to let the whole site to see it. I then reviewed it at Wiley's request and gave him my opinion about the time in the cut. This was making comments on what the video shows. Not derogatory, just facts! Now this same type of thing was done in the thread "The Great Chain Race" in which there were comments about Walt Gayler and how his chain sucked. There were a lot of derogatory comments in that thread about Walt, and then comments about how fast Art's chain was in comparison. They posted times to show how fast Art's chain was, and I also saw where you and Dennis G. both made posts on that thread, so you must have been aware! Now that you and everyone on the site sees another side of the story, you want say I'm doing something wrong. This is a chainsaw forum, let the facts be known. Whether it's my chain, your chain, or Art's chain, all the video's now being shown are for people to enjoy. Just because you don't like the results, shouldn't be a factor in your decision as a moderator! As far as your opinnion that I do not give information or something of value to the site. I say, "B.S."! I think I have made many informative posts. If the posts weren't "secret" chain or motors tricks, that's my prerogative! But what you don't know is I have communicated with people on the site through email and have helped more than you want to know! Additonally, you make it a point to drag it out further on a personal note, and say that it is all about my ego. It wasn't even my chain in the video!!! This isn't about my ego, or yours. This is about you, and your site, and being able to post without discrimination. Like I said before, what's good for one is good for all. Dennis
The Difference.

In the great chain race Art and Walt agreed to have their chains timed by a mutally agreed tester: In Tommy's video he shows a chain that he says is an Art Martin, being beaten by one of his. I dont care whose is fastest, but this method of pressenting it without any sustantiation or controls, really makes the outcome questionable especially in view of the apparent need to be seen as The Man. Excessive modesty is not one of my major downfalls either, but I would be ashamed to be so obvious about it in such questionable circumstances. That is the part I find so hard to understand.

Please post links of what Art said that were derogatory. Also, were they provoked? Were they as derogatory as the flaming email I received this afternoon? Thanks, Darin
Darin, You know good and well I didn't say Art said anything derogatory, it's his clown posse that does that, and you allowed it! The way I read your rules, even being provoked doesn't justify someone bad mouthing others, but again you let it go. So, like Rupedoggy says," the chain got stomped!", and that's what I saw in the video. So if you allow them to say those kind of remarks, I guess I can say them too. Additionally, I've NEVER emailed you, so if you've got problems with someone else, tell it to some one who cares. Have a nice day. Dennis
Originally posted by Dennis Cahoon
Additionally, I've NEVER emailed you, so if you've got problems with someone else, tell it to some one who cares. Have a nice day. Dennis

I forwarded Darin the email Tom sent me this morning...that is what he was referring to...if Tom didn't send you a copy would you like me to? It was quite flattering.

I personally am getting tired of having to wake up every morning and babysit this site...if you and your (or is it Tom's?) "clown posse" don't like the way the site is, you are welcome to leave.
Originally posted by Dennis Cahoon ..... Get out your stop watch and check it out. The watch don't lie.

OK, I timed them in the wood, 1.5 seconds is correct for completion.

However, second operator appears to 'bobble' his saw (come back off the feed).

Was this due to a knot, operating skills, or difference between the 404 (winning chain) and the 3/8.

Has anyone timed the difference of stock 404 against 3/8?

Still a lot of variables not known. Chain pitch was different for one, log grain and knotness is not known.

All that can be said for sure is in this competition the foreground person won. Had the winning combination of: first to the log, chain and clear wood.
Now hold on here guys! Dennis and Tommy have ruffled a few feathers but everyone here is an adult, shouldn`t they be fighting there own battles? I`m sorry that Art has taken such a drubbing from these guys, but what comes around goes around. Art may not have personally said the nasty things aimed at our old friend Walt, but he did nothing to rebuke anyone for saying those things either. When a person is assuming the role of icon, they have a social responsibility for guiding the behavior of their followers. Besides, I think that either "The Great Chain Race" has been edited or certain posts within it deleted because I remember the harshness of some of the comments directed at Walt. I know first hand that Walt would not have left over a simple disagreement or momentary loss of face, he`d proven that in the past. Noone asked Art or his most loyal supporters to leave did they? I`m glad they didn`t and I apply the same standard to tfj and Dennis, and these guys do appear to have toned things down a bit.

I also know from speaking to Dennis C. and several other forum members, that he and Tommy are speaking offline to several forum members. Where are you guys now, or are you all as loyal as $2 hookers? If that`s the case, this whole idea of anyone picking on another member is nothing more than childish whining under the guise of self righteous standards of decency and fair play.


I`m having a hard time seeing your reason for being here after reading in one of your posts on the Climbers Forum that this forum is full of half wits. That`s not a nice thing to say is it?

Actually I`m just trying to open your eyes to what I see as your double standard Dan, FWIW, I`d like you to stay here also, even though you are ashamed of your association with us, LOL.

Dennis G., I`ve lauded your moderation of this forum, but it does appear to be more personal in regard to this issue.

Darin, it`s your forum to do what you will. We have to accept that with no justification on your part but we are also the commodity that you sell to the adverstisers. A business sense often forsakes the smaller ideals of personal belief and dictates that we try not to overlay sentimentality above logic. You`ve had a great run so far but I`ve heard through the grapevine that someone is planning to host another , much more freewheeling, chainsaw forum. Inordinate censorship will surely play into the hands of the competition. I enjoy coming here and hope that this site stays active. Consider if you will, that many of us have travelled from forum to forum as a group. Simple banishment of members does not break the bond, we just hook up somehwhere else.

You`ve had a great run so far but I`ve heard through the grapevine that someone is planning to host another , much more freewheeling, chainsaw forum. Inordinate censorship will surely play into the hands of the competition. I enjoy coming here and hope that this site stays active.

This is a large part of my site. Censorship is a must!!! If you get to many ******* flaming back and forth in here it won't work. Actually, we have been fairly libral here. I get emails, like I have said before on a daily basis about these guys. When the majority is not comfortable that is not good. The majority makes this site, not the minority. It's like Michael Jackson and Catholic priests like kiddy porn. The majority does not. So we shall not have kiddie porn on this site. When guys come (these guys are roughly a group of 4) in here and it shakes the rest of the site, you have to figure it is not good for the site. There are always going to be more websites that come out just like this one. It won't be the first or last. It takes a lot more than just saying, "hey guys, I got a forum and you can say anything you want on it." If I loose sponsors, we will close shop and somebody will be next. I have made my money on the site and it owes me nothing. I do like the fact that sponsors feel it is a good investment. That pleases me. It also makes me happy that the majority enjoys the site and learns off the site. I never opened the forum thinking I would get rich. I haven't and you won't. It gets more expensive as you grow. Loosing 4 guys that send threating emails and/or disrupts a peaceful forum, doesn't bother me. Let them ruin somebody else's forum, not mine. Everyone thinks cencorship is a horrible thing. The forum opened 3 or 4 years ago this month. Hrmmm, must be doing something correct.

Dennis C. has tried from what I can see to be a little better. I will not and cannot sit here and fight with everyone about he said she said stuff. Tommy is gone and will not be admitted back. His email sealed the deal. I have not read everything Dennis has ever wrote, but he seems to ruffle too many feathers. This is the hardest decision to make when you have to rely on what the majority is telling you. Time will tell I guess.:)
I made a comment on this thread and I want to make sure it was not taken the wrong way. I am a member of this site + 1 other
There were two guys going at it pretty good At the other site. They were both heated and threatning eachother on the forum. They were both warned to chill or be dropped. They did tone it down alot. Anyway on Christmass eve one of the guys had a fire in his home and lost everything except his family and the clothes on thier backs. I can personaly relate to this as my house burnt to the ground in 1995. I started a thread "how we can help Bill",
explained what happened to my family and went on to tell other members how Bill's family could be in need of things like clothes, money, blankets etc. and that we should take donations and send items to Bill's family. The very first reply was that of the other guy that exchanged threats with Bill. He simply stated "count me in"After many members replied to the thread wanting to help, Bill responded with thanks and praise to everyone who wanted to help but went on to say that his family was financialy stable and would be ok. Bill and this other fellow (forget his name) do get along now, and thats what I was thinking of when I posted the reply that reads "cant we all get along. I do not know who these people fighting are or whats its about. Therefor I will not get involved. I love this site as my other as well, I have made friends and have done some buissnes as well. I have learned a little something . I like to think that everyone who answers one of my threads is a new friend, I also feel we need to stick together as a group. I hate to see people fight though. Being a moderator of a large group like this must be hard. I guess I like to see people work out thier problems and get along.:angel:
DC's bantering doesnt bother me a bit. TFJ has even toned it down since he first came on. I think the main problem with these two and other members is the first impression they made. Some times when one acts like an a-hole intially people always see them as an a-hole no matter what they do or say to the contary. I actually wish Art would come back and have a decent, technical debate with these two as all three have knowledge that the rest of us woodticks do not.
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