To hell with chainsaws - Laser swords! :biggrinbounce2: could happen. Husky seems to be buying up all the saw mfg's it can aquire(that's been going for how long?) I could be wrong but husky is owned by electrolux, but isn't Electrolux actually part of Ratheon(swede govt). Ratheon I thought was a division of United technowlodgies which is a really neat defense contractor. I know not all my facts are straight, but you guys know those neat little survailence drones that fly in iraq? Essentially those are R/C spy drones (r/c plane) Hey guys.....what kind of motors are in those?
(i don't know..i'm askin!) I wonder if those are husky 2 cycle engines powering those drones??? If that be the case, sub-corps lending tech to another bigger corporation in the coporate family why couldn't husky introduce the world's first Lazer saw???

My point to this story is just that I believe it could happen! United tech has laser technowlodgy it just takes alot(ALOT) of energy. Sooo the loggers of the future would have one hell of a lighter & quicker saw but with current tech would have to lug around a trailer of li-po batteries behind an atv.....actually as many batteries it would take you'll need the biggest of log skidders, Unless they give us back our wireless power transmission capability brought to us by Nikola Tesla, bankrupted and covered up by the world's elite bankers ..4-19-1922.
*snap* back to reality.......this is for entertainment only, please don't take me for being serious. (except the fact a lazer saw could happen)
I know all this seems far fetched but guys.....don't laugh @ lazer saws....I can't think of any reason It couldn't happen, outside of the current laser tech. (remember that lazer tech is supposedly work in wars tech for the futer) If they have a laser that can burn thru tank armor under controlled enviroments, it just takes the power it takes to power a small city.
Than it's common sense they are sandbaggin and are way further along than what they admit. Infact I bet they already have light swords, they just can't figure out how to keep from cuttin' a hole in the roof and the fact they still have to plug the dern thing in, so you have to watch you feet and don't trip over the cord in duel.(or let the cords get tangeled up for that matter)

Cut a cord quicker than any other saw...even literaly.
Meets EPA requirement not event thought up yet...NOOO vibration at all...lighter than........we don't really know that do we...dern it!
HAVE FUN with this one.LOL mute little mime too bad you can't respond to this....that guy would tell us all about the next saw tech of the futer. He used to really like them STIHLS alot...a little too much!