FYI - Northern Chainsaw Sharpener

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My 2nd one showed up today, all there and in one piece.:clap: I set this up just for rakers. Even when hand filing, I'll still do the rakers with the grinder when needed. I like hand filing, but I never really liked doing the depth guages, I dunno why.
My NT grinder arrived today safe and sound.

I already did the couple of upgrades to the base plate section.

I'm among those interested in the washer/shim upgrade, although I must say the wet sanding of the base plate surfaces and a little dab of grease in the contact area, made for a very smooth moving joint.

With the washer upgrade in place, would any kind of lub on the contact area still be advised for best movement?

If yes, is a dry graphite really needed over a nice grease? I ask because it doesn't look like metal dust coule easily work into the contact space, since the only way in would be from the sides.

I have to back and re-read all of the comments on the grinder to make sure I did not miss any tweaks for best tolerances. :)
grease bad choice

I took mine apart last night to measure for the specs. and I was actually suprised how much grinding dust had migrated the the surface where the two pieces rotates. I would think some silicone spray would be a better choice..
I have probably sharpened 40 plus chains on mine.
Thanks Eric...

After going back and reading both this thread and the upgrade thread, I cleaned out all of the grease and will do either spray graphite or silcone.

I cleaned out the bearing springs and spring pits as well, which made it a little tricky getting the beast back together. :)

Stihl 041S... regarding the shims/washers... are you doing the inside shims as well as the large washer? Just wondering.
Update: Finally got time to play with the Northern grinder I received weeks ago. Thanks to the info gleaned from countless AS members my first chain sharpening was a success! My brother in law (who works at a saw shop) was at the house over the weekend and I had him give it a try. He said it ran/worked just as good as their 511a Oregon except for the stiff adjustments, which we now know how to address. I'm always leary of the cheap tools believing you get what you pay for but this time I think I got a little more.

Verdict: Well worth the 100 clams for any wood tick
Northern Tool Grinder

I just spoke with customer service.

There is a 750 item backorder on the grinder. 250 grinders are to be in on Jan. 17. Another 500 grinders are to arrive on February 4th.

The backorder started 1 week before X-mas.

So... if you have one ordered, it could be awhile. At this point, I'm waiting it out.
Screw it, I just ordered another one.

That was on the 20th. I don't know how I managed to get one. They showed out of stock for a week or so, then they showed back in stock for a day, and that's when I ordered. Lucky. I'm surprised they haven't raised the price by now.
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I think I ended up in the same boat as you. I placed my order on the 23rd and it arrived yesterday.

My box was also marker "re-packaged" as has been noted by some other folks.
That was on the 20th. I don't know how I managed to get one. They showed out of stock for a week or so, then they showed back in stock for a day, and that's when I ordered. Lucky. I'm surprised they haven't raised the price by now.

Just got my Northern winter catalog and the price is $189 now.
SS Washers

Sorry I havent emailed people that I got their email but I crank handles better than I type. I' m Mailing out samples to eric and raised by wolves today if the address' came in, so they can point and laugh and tell my my screwups, as I hand file now . As soon as they say fine, they will be mailed out in e mail order, then you can send me money.

I said $2 plud ship, how does $3 mailed back when you get it sound?

I posted this in another thread. Thought I would put it here
with all the grinders that have been bought lately.
Click the link and scroll down towards the bottom of the page.
Borazon wheels for standard chain, and Diamond for carbide chains.
I have used the borazon wheels from them for years. They last a
long time, no dressing always the same run cooler. Here's the link. Chain Sharpener.html
I also dug out the owners manuel for one of the grinders I have
and copied the grinding instructions and Grinder picture with
the numbers on it that the instructions reference to.

You adjust number 3 screw (reference drawing and #11 in the instructions).
to make your right and left cutters match.
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One more thing my book shows 4 wires from the motor.
I would like to reverse the motor for the back cutters.
I could post a picture of the schematic if it would help.
One more thing my book shows 4 wires from the motor.
I would like to reverse the motor for the back cutters.
I could post a picture of the schematic if it would help.

Go ahead and post the schematic. Non-reversible universal motors will have only 3 leads: 2 for power and one for ground. The reversible universal motors will have either 4 or 5 leads with one of these being a ground. The type of switch required to reverse direction depends on the number of wires present. :popcorn:
Ok here they are. There was 2 pic's in the book.

Those are for the oregon 511 or tecomec grinders. One print is for the new one direction motor and the older reversible one.

the NT grinder only has three leads...Been there tried

thanks for the print though, it took me a while to find them.