G.R.C.S. or NOT?

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ArboristSite Operative
Mar 29, 2005
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Longmont, CO
How many of you guys out there are using the G.R.C.S. (Good Rigging Control System)? For the guys that use one, is it fast to set up? Is it truely a one man tool? How much more productive is it? Finally, is it worth the cost?

Thank you!
I have used one but dont have one for myself. They are very beneficial tools.

As for one man ops, under the right conditions. As with any lowering situation, its always easier for one person to hold the rope while another is handling the piece being lowered. One person CAN put it on the tree although it is rather cumbersome. If its just you and your partner, set it up b4 the climber leaves the ground.

As for productivity, I believe it would up the level when able to be used as its designed, raising limbs.

Worth the cost? I think so but i know another guy that probably doesnt simply cause he'd rather do it old school (slow). You have to be open to the idea of using it on every tree and not just when you desperitly need it. Sometimes it may just be one limb or two, others the whole tree. Only you can justify the cost. Some can justify an air spade, I cant, but I dont have the market either.

My .02
Worth the cost-Absolutely. Just make sure you charge appropriately for its usage.
In storm damage situations it's invaluable.
No it won't let you be a one man operation. You still need someone on the ground to operate it. No it's not fast to set up. It can be done in less than 5 minutes though. Fast enough, in my opinion.

Yes it will save you lots of time, money, and energy. On occasion you we be able to do jobs that others thought were near impossible.

If you can afford it, get it. If you can't, save up. You won't lose a lot on it if you don't like it. Someone will surely buy it off you.

I've used em with different companies. They save time and sweat and strain in a low-impact fashion. A great tool.
GCRS / Hobbs device

I duno, you can put an awfully nice whinch on your truck for that kind of money. Spool out 60 feet of cable, attatch a port a wrap, and use that to lift branches up if need be. I have had good luck with that technique in the past. and then you have a whinch on your truck, which is really useful; tensioning highlines, getting unstuck, pulling trees over, lifting big logs and then driving a trailer under them, pulling small stumps etc.

also the capstan style devices have a real high learning curve, i dont even have enough time with most of my groundmen to show them how to use a port a wrap(i freelance alot and have no full time crew of my own). The GRCS is not a simple lowering device, and, at least with the Hobbs, if they wrap it wrong, the work is going to freefall, i've seen and heard about that happening. Bill, a friend of mine, was at a demonstration of the device where this happened.

another danger is that of the rope surging. a little slack in the line with a heavy load and the rope will surge foward a couple of feet. this is not dangerouse on its own, but the ground guys seem to constantly creep closer to the device, i always worry about their hands getting sucked in.

it is handy to be ably to walk that kind of mechanical advantage into a backyard, having may get you that kind of job over another company. are there many closed in backyards in your area? and do you have a steady groundcrew? if the answere to both of these questions is yes, i would consider buying one, but personally i'm not sold yet.

milemarker makes a 5 or 6 ton 2 speed whinch that runs off of your power steering pump, i think its about 1500 installed. havnt been shopping for one in 2 or 3 years so i'm not sure.

good luck whatever way you go.
It's one of those tools you won't use every day or even every week (unless you do a lot of technical removals), but when you do need it, they are great.

If you never used one, the one thing that you may not realize the benefits of is the ratcheting bollard. Not the use of the crank, which can lift a big load, but just that on each limb, you can pull the slack out, and then hold up a big load just by pulling on the rope. Compared to a port-a-wrap, which you can't easily pull slack through.
if you are into big, or zero clearance removals buy this! nothing else. it will be the last purchase. pricey yes, worth it o yeah. try not to buy any other devices that are half the price as the grcs although it is tempting. the video does not to do justice to this device. been shopping the thing for nine years before i pulled the trigger. i wish it had been my first purchase.
I have had GRCS for about 2-3 years now. It is fantastic. Is it worth the money? Yes. Will you use it every day? no.

Just the ability to raise the pieces makes it an awesome accessory. From simply pulling some trees over or piecing out a removal, it is great.

Do not make the mistake I made by saying I cannot afford it and continue to put off the purchase. The price has decreased a few hundred dollars now which makes it an even better deal.
I just bought one. Never used it yet. The job I bought it for is scheduled for mid September, a $5000+ euc removal. I figure this job will pay for the GRCS and all the labor. I wanted to get one for a long time and getting this job was the thing that made me go ahead and buy it. Big branches only about 10 ft. above the roof. No way to just lower, the branches must be raised up and swung away. No way to get a truck mounted winch back there either.
Outstanding piece of equipment, we bought ours about 4 years ago. It allows for more rigging scenario's. We also have a Ken Johnson, a Deluxe Hobbs and several Port-a-Wraps. Like I always say, one of each. More tools more options.

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