Game of Logging

Arborist Forum

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was he trying to swing the tree to the right leaving that chunk on the face ?
what went wrong? just about every thing it looks to me. i must agree with westboaster, dude went about that all wrong and should have felled it with the lean. not much choice with heavy lean hardwood that are soft inside.
i would not however use a strap if that means boring in behind the hinge and cutting out to the back in typical gol style. big open face in the direction of lean and back it up quickly. that soft center would break rather quickly.
like boaster said in his other post and others have said before, it is not a do all cure all.
I tend to agree with you more than I agree with myself... ERM uh ..this time. If that makes any sense.
Typical Maple cutting can be scetchy
up in the 2.5' - 4' size but like you say with the heartwood rot you'd be good to go in this case. As far as new commers, they should take the precaution until they have more fibre experience.
How long was his bar? Looks like the side failed. Once you open the tree up and see that you need to plan accordingly. Of course he had to be from here. I'm surprised he had a full wrap. I know of this guy.
Looks like would keep a guy dry in the rain ,and breathe well like mx gear does ,maybe he is on to something ?
Being raised by a single mother I taught myself a lot, with the use of youtube and sites like this one. The first tree I ever cut and first time I ever ran a saw was a wind fallen white pine with a DBH of about 16". I got off the school bus and found my paps old saw that was in the shed I was about 10. I had that pine limbed before my mother came home and continued to buck it into firewood rounds. My mom pulled in and asked what I was doing, I replied "saving you money" as she was going to call someone to clean it up. Ever since then I was hooked. My senior year of high school my mother asked what I wanted for graduation, well that was how I got my saw in my avatar a 545. Coming in to my college harvesting class I was by far the most proficient with a saw. I have been providing firewood for my mom and pap since I got my drivers license about 10 cords a year. Im getting certified for three reasons. It is free, something to add on a application, and I get to do something I enjoy.

It is sad that young people have no credit of worth on sites like these. I am a pretty well accomplished archer both hunting and target. On a archery specific site I had an account and listed my real age, with that age I had zero respect. I made a new account with a different name and age, people loved my advice and asked for my advice in privet messages. I am no where near as good with chainsaws as I am with a bow in my hand but I do know a thing or two. Don't judge a book by its cover.
It is sad that young people have no credit of worth on sites like these. I am a pretty well accomplished archer both hunting and target. On a archery specific site I had an account and listed my real age, with that age I had zero respect. I made a new account with a different name and age, people loved my advice and asked for my advice in privet messages. I am no where near as good with chainsaws as I am with a bow in my hand but I do know a thing or two. Don't judge a book by its cover.

Respect is earned. It's not an entitlement. Don't tell us what you know and how good you are. Show us instead. Easy, no?