Being raised by a single mother I taught myself a lot, with the use of youtube and sites like this one. The first tree I ever cut and first time I ever ran a saw was a wind fallen white pine with a DBH of about 16". I got off the school bus and found my paps old saw that was in the shed I was about 10. I had that pine limbed before my mother came home and continued to buck it into firewood rounds. My mom pulled in and asked what I was doing, I replied "saving you money" as she was going to call someone to clean it up. Ever since then I was hooked. My senior year of high school my mother asked what I wanted for graduation, well that was how I got my saw in my avatar a 545. Coming in to my college harvesting class I was by far the most proficient with a saw. I have been providing firewood for my mom and pap since I got my drivers license about 10 cords a year. Im getting certified for three reasons. It is free, something to add on a application, and I get to do something I enjoy.
It is sad that young people have no credit of worth on sites like these. I am a pretty well accomplished archer both hunting and target. On a archery specific site I had an account and listed my real age, with that age I had zero respect. I made a new account with a different name and age, people loved my advice and asked for my advice in privet messages. I am no where near as good with chainsaws as I am with a bow in my hand but I do know a thing or two. Don't judge a book by its cover.