Sawyer Rob
Addicted to ArboristSite
Before I bought a stump grinder for my tractor, I would dig around the stump down below grade, wash the dirt off it, and cut it off below grade.
End of the problem!
End of the problem!
I am skeptical of that. Borax does not promote fungal growth. Its main use is to prevent root rot. Fertilizer should work, with lots of holes drilled.The cheapest easiest and economical solution to your problem is to mimick the CDF n USFS by covering the stump with a liberal layer of borax.
That is what I was referencing earlier about each person being accomodating to each other. When folks work together things work better, costs go down, good hardworking folks get paid, and each party leaves happy. As I mentioned earlier I have had several tree jobs done for what I consider a VERY good cost. They were done by a pro crew and done well. I gave them a wide open window of time. I just showed them what I wanted and said put the sticks on the ground and send me a bill. I told them do it whenever you can in-between jobs or on the way to a job. They did one large pine that required a total of drive time to look at and then do of close to 4 hrs as it was way out of their working area. They did it because I gave them the wide window................... His only stipulation is for a stump grind only job like mine he gets to picks the day of the week with one day prior notice to me. That lets him sandwich it in between other larger jobs. I've never asked him what one stump would cost, but it would be a LOT. Ha.
MY SIL LIVED ON 13 ACREAS, incl 7-acres tree and did burn piles; got up before sunrise on morning, looking out window, saw pile from burn two week old burn flamed up, and was amazed. 2) Knew of new home, fireplace fire, week later ashes put in bag and in garage; came home late to find garage, boat, car, house burned down.No. Potassium nitrate is an oxidizer. The idea is to speed up burning after it dries. Piss, or urea, will not do that.