I have to wonder if units of measurement also has something to do with it. Hard to believe that a sawyer or his boss thought that 16" to 18" somehow got "translated" to centimeters in my case. I gave my instructions, left with a truckload of walnut branches, carried them to my log splitter, and when I returned, the big trunk was already ruined. I should never have left the job site. Somehow inches got converted to centimeters. I should have left behind a ruler or what is often called a story stick to set the length.I totally understand, but this scenario is the groundies who already have the wood laid down. If I ask other companies to cut, I tell them to cut 16 inch by saying to cut the tree how they need to first.
Then again, since the sawyer was being paid by the hour, he might have wanted to double the time required to buck cut the big trunk. One thing for sure, he wore out his chain saw more, used more fuel, bar oil, etc. I explained that to his boss, but I don't think anything sunk in.