Big Daddy
ArboristSite Operative
Global Warming is a farce. Just like Al Gore.
Brief and to the point Big Daddy...I like it!Global Warming is a farce. Just like Al Gore.
How about I've been on that site for a while as AS has gotten to be a little boring lately.
I find it amusing when the EPA finds the need to regulate the 2 cycle engine so it will not pollute as much when there are so many other sources that cause more pollution on a much larger scale.
If our politicians would stop using gas guzzlers
I find it amusing when the EPA finds the need to regulate the 2 cycle engine so it will not pollute as much when there are so many other sources that cause more pollution on a much larger scale.
Here is another factor in global warming, and an alarming one due to cows (and pigs) farting up a storm of methane gas:
Al Gore said co2 levels are there highest in 650,000 years. Who meassured it then, and where is it recorded. The guy is not a jerk he is a CLOWN... When I was in school they had everone believeing the ice age was comming back. Speaking of that who's saw or gas guzzling SUV started that ice to melting. Like I said this is nothing but a FARCE, a way for more LEFT WING COMMIES to restrick an take personal rights away...
Man, get a life. Left wing commies taking away your personal rights? Talk abut a farce. The latest religious right presidential administration has done more to restrict your personal rights in the name of anti-terrorism than the commies have done since the Russian Revolution. And if you want a farce, why is it that your clown Al Gore won the popular vote but lost the election? Oh yah, political smoke, rigged elections and BS mirrors... from the same administration that likes to cover up global warming data becasue they are in bed with the Arabs and oil companies.
And for those of you that got past the 8th grade, CO2 levels are measureable back for hundreds of thousands of years from ice cores. See, the CO2 gets trapped in the ice when it forms. Ice sheets in the antarctic have piled up for many hundreds of thousands of years and the ice cores were taken from a depth of over 2 miles deep. A lot of the data collected was by a British scientific team way back in 1999, er, not 450,000 BP.
But hey man, you do not have to believe anything. I tell yah what. Why not go down to Florida and buy some ocean front property there. Then in 15 years we will see who was right when the ocean levels rise. Some day you will wake up floating around in your living room chair and the synapses in your brain will go, "Gee wiz, maybe Al Gore was right about..." Naaaahhhhh, you will belive that the rising sea levels are beacues of some commie plot to overthrow the US government.
Its hopeless... :bang: :bang: :bang: :bang: :bang: :bang: The Korean and Vietnam wars are over, man. Get over it.
windthrown, Im not singling you out by quoting your post, it just happened to be convenient. Id like to pose this question again, since its never gotten answered here. What caused the last Ice Age?