Global warming and burning firewood

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Try this experiment for oceans raising from global warming

Take a Drinking glass fill it with ice cubes so its level with the rim.Next take your glass of ice and fill with water,just enough to fill it to thr rim.Then let glass set on counter or where ever an see if the glass over flows.Let us know what happens.

I don't believe in global warming at all.
Try this experiment for oceans raising from global warming

Take a Drinking glass fill it with ice cubes so its level with the rim.Next take your glass of ice and fill with water,just enough to fill it to the rim.Then let glass set on counter or where ever an see if the glass over flows.Let us know what happens.

I don't believe in global warming at all.
Ice melt experiment

Take a Drinking glass fill it with ice cubes so its level with the rim.Next take your glass of ice and fill with water,just enough to fill it to the rim.Then let glass set on counter or where ever an see if the glass over flows.Let us know what happens.

I don't believe in global warming at all.

Well, Einstein, congratulations on re-proving that ice is less dense than water. For that very same reason, ice floats on top of the water in your glass. In your experiment the water level in the water with ice will be lower than the water glass when all the ice melts. Nice example, but it is not relavent to the polar ice caps and glaciers. If the polar ice caps were all capped off at sea level, as in your water glass experiment, then sea level rising as a result of global warming would not be an issue.

However... AND A BIG HOWEVER (and here is where your example experiment fails) a vast amount of the polar ice sheets are ABOVE SEA LEVEL. Critical here. Same with the Greenland glaciers. Most of the ice in Antarctica and Greenland is above sea level. If it melts, it will raise the sea level. So in the name of science, lets revisit your experiment. Lets take that water glass with ice, and stack it about 2 inches above the rim with ice cubes. Carefull, they are slippery. Now there will be a problem here, becasue your glass will no longer hold all the melted ice and the original water in the glass. Some of it will spill over...

As I said before, time will tell, and in your lifetimes. You will be exposed, front and center to the issues of polar and glacier ice melt. You can deny global warming all the way to the disinformation factory at the White House. However, there are just too many facts that are in the way of there being no global warming to avoid it any longer. Believe it or not, the time will come, and in your lifetime, when you can not longer say that global warming is bunk. Already there is a massive species migration northward. Already there are rising sea levels. Already there are an unprecidented number of high level hurricanes globally. Already there are a record number of high average temperatures for several months each year.
I asked earlier, "Why are not the Fla. keys under water yet?", and did not get a decent reply. Anyone got a reason?
Give it time...

Just curious..........

We are talking about 50-75 years here, not overnight, next week, or even next year. For you sensationalists that need to see it in real time, sorry global warming will be a tad slower than you want to believe anything. In geologinal time it is a flash in the pan.

For now please go on believing that the world is fine, there is pleanty of oil for 12 billion people in the world and the warming trend is all hype that will not affect you. Herd mentality. That is exactly what this administration and the multinational corporations want you to believe. Don't worry, be happy! All the math and science stuff is a farce. Yah, hey, y'all even have me convinced now.

Glug glug glug...
new to this thread, and didnt read all the posts. was just watching the history channel today about the mini-ice age. it is believed to have been caused by a volcanic eruption. in the show, they interview people with views on both sides, most all seem to have basis for their theories. THEORIES. that is what it is, it is not fact. all this global warming bs is based on mostly anectdotal accounts. well here is one for you, this winter has had the most sustained cold around here for years.
sure some of rising temps could be caused by man, but there is NO fact.
in my opinion, everyone who believes in global warming should stop driving cars except in emergencies, should keep the thermostats in their houses at 60 or less, should stop using all fossil fuel powered devices, stop using electricity generated by anything except solar power, move into a home just big enough for survival, should super-insulate their home to further decrease heat loss, start wearing wooden shoes or none at all... the list could go on. people talk like the end of the world is coming. i guarantee that 100,000 years from now, nothing we are doing now will amount to squat.
Now this is an amusing thread in a board dedicated to two-stroke power freaks. Alas the Global Warming issue is largely a polical issue and not a purely scientific one at this point. Case in point the appointed/annointed heir apparent spokesman for the phenomena, AlGore and his "Inconvenient Truth" propaganda. To which he has admitted embelishing his "facts" to make his movie more impactful. Documentary, I think not. Why isn't an acclaimed, experienced scientist the one everyone looks to for leadership on this issue?

I agree that the earth has been in a trend of warming, .7 to .8 degrees F over the last century or so, depending on who's data you want to read. Is this dramatic? Time will tell I guess. If you want to put all your eggs in the glacier basket, then don't just look at the few that are studied extensively on decline, but also the many that aren't currently being studied or even the ones that are expanding...... Bottom line for me is I have yet to read anything credible that explains how man is the primary force driving this warming trend much less causing it. Are we influencing it? Probably, but to what real extent is the $100,000 question. IMHO the politics need to be removed from the issue(ideally, but in reality reduced as much as possible) and let unencumbered scientists that haven't sold their soles study the REAL issue. Hollywood types and politicians carry about as much wieght on this as my dog does. My advise to y'all out there in cyberspace is read for yourself what's out there and form your own conclusions. There is alot of good info out there that is not promoted. As for those that say that NYC and Florida are certainly going to be under 50' of Atlantic Ocean in 50-75 years, don't know what your smokin' but please share.:rockn:

Oh yeah, back to the topic. Burning wood is good.:D
Heads in the sand...

Reminds me of the '60s when the smog hit really bad in LA. No one believed it could be coming from cars... nooooooooooo! Cannot be. The holy grail of the automobile... and the largest lobby in the nation at the time.

Believe what you want. The future awaits us all. Hell or high water.
Bla bla bla.... Sorry to offend all you tree hugging liberals but I'm gona drive my V8 trucks, run my two stroke saws rich, cut down trees, burn fire wood fart my butt off and raise cattle that fart almost as bad as me after a Chile cook off. And to make matters worse my grand dad is gona keep his house at 92 degrees instead of 87.

All you Al Gore lovers need to remember if he had let Oliver North kill Osama we would still have 2 really tall buildings in New York. Dang, I wonder how much global warming that explosion caused. I bet it was less than my dads smoke spiting chip flinging super XL.
Chicken Little Syndrone

The local "experts" can't even predict the weather accurately within a week. Back in the late 80's the "experts" (Ted Dansen (spelling?) from Cheers) was preaching of the end of our oceans within 10 years. Didn't happen. As for Al Bore, two time Presidential Loser, owner of four HUGE homes and planning to purchase another one!! Can't see his tree for his forest??????
Tree hugger???

Tree hugging liberal? I am a card carrying, NRA gun slinging Republican and I manage clear cutting forest stands for a living. Just because I believe in global warming and that we need to do something about the environment does not mean I love Al Gore. But ooooohhh, he has a different opinion, must be a *** from Hollywood...

The future is right around the corner. And its gonna bite y'all real :censored: hard.
The real poop on "Global Warming"

Global warming began roughly 18,000 years ago at the end of the last Ice Age
I don't recall their being any "manmade industrial pollution “or” greenhouse gases" caused by my SUV that caused this upward trend in temperature. It just started all on its own with no help from us, a natural cycle of the earth.
For the last several million years the earths climate has been dominated by ice ages that run in cycles of roughly 120,000 years. Every 100,000 years or so the Earth's climate begins to warm temporarily "Global Warming" these warm periods last roughly 15 to 20 thousand years. We are now 18,000 years into this cycle, so I guess the real question is not whether or not global warming is real, but more do you know where your mittens are?? As for the media propaganda about the rising temps and rising sea levels that will destroy us all, the earth's temperature has risen approximately 16 degrees and the sea levels have risen approximately 300 feet since the end of the last Ice Age some 18,000 years ago. The .7 degrees rise in temperature and the negligible rise in sea level over the last 100 years are all part of this natural cycle. So as to the question is global warming real YES!, is it caused by man NO!, is there anything we can do to stop or change it NO!

Like I said before

It is a natural process and there is nothing we can do to alter, affect, or stop it, it is what it is a natural trend of the earth.

We could argue this until we are all blue in the face but these are the Facts that history has laid out for us, not the scare tactic theories that the media and politicians are pushing to further their own agendas.

As for the gloom and doom predictions of 50 foot rises in sea level, devastation of infrastructure, disease, poverty and all the refugees mired in economic collapse as a result of the floods. Not gonna happen in my life time or my grand children’s, and that is the “Inconvenient Truth”. But hey keep on with the crusade if enough people get on the bandwagon I just might be able to get some beachfront property real cheap.

Personally I’m more worried about nuts with nuks.
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Forget GW, I am still petrified about Ebola, SARRS, global cooling, Y2K, and Bird Flu......
I will be damned before I listen to some hack,divinity school dropouts opinion on a scientific matter....
Except for Fish. He dropped out of divinty school to, but that was only because he had an affinity for strippers..:D
Why all the gloom and doom about addressing a mess we're making?
100 years ago our streets and rivers were choked with our own sewage; we built sewage treatment systems and reduced disease too.
We had horrible air pollution, it's much better now than 30 years ago, and we have more and bigger cars and factories.
We had rivers so polluted they caught fire, we cleaned up the worst of the dumping and we still have industry; nice rivers to fish in too.
Lakes were dying from phosphates, we restricted them; our clothes still get clean but most lakes aren't suffocating under algae.
The Ozone layer was vanishing over the antarctic, we resricted production of CFCs; the hole is gone, we still have A/C.

CO2 is at an all time high, why can't we just address the problem the way we worked on all the above problems and get on with our lives? We don't need to find a villain to point a finger at, but it would be nice if we could stop sending our wealth overseas to buy oil and ease up on the carbon too.
Well, Einstein, congratulations on re-proving that ice is less dense than water. For that very same reason, ice floats on top of the water in your glass. In your experiment the water level in the water with ice will be lower than the water glass when all the ice melts. Nice example, but it is not relavent to the polar ice caps and glaciers. If the polar ice caps were all capped off at sea level, as in your water glass experiment, then sea level rising as a result of global warming would not be an issue. .

Close but no cigar. A container with water to the brim with ice floating in it will not change level when the ice melts. There is an identical amount of 'water' in the ice as there will be after it melts. The ice cube displaces enough water to balance its weight and that weight doesn't change upon melting.

However... AND A BIG HOWEVER (and here is where your example experiment fails) a vast amount of the polar ice sheets are ABOVE SEA LEVEL. Critical here. Same with the Greenland glaciers. Most of the ice in Antarctica and Greenland is above sea level. If it melts, it will raise the sea level. So in the name of science, lets revisit your experiment. Lets take that water glass with ice, and stack it about 2 inches above the rim with ice cubes. Carefull, they are slippery. Now there will be a problem here, becasue your glass will no longer hold all the melted ice and the original water in the glass. Some of it will spill over... .

Good but a simpler explanation is 'any ice on land that melts will raise the level, any ice floating will not'

As I said before, time will tell, and in your lifetimes. You will be exposed, front and center to the issues of polar and glacier ice melt. You can deny global warming all the way to the disinformation factory at the White House. However, there are just too many facts that are in the way of there being no global warming to avoid it any longer. Believe it or not, the time will come, and in your lifetime, when you can not longer say that global warming is bunk. Already there is a massive species migration northward. Already there are rising sea levels. Already there are an unprecidented number of high level hurricanes globally. Already there are a record number of high average temperatures for several months each year.

Not in your post but I have seen the statement that 'there are glaciers that are not retreating' or 'some glaciers are growing' I have never seen a cite to either assertion. Even if such do exist it doesn't change the fact, yes, FACT that both poles are loosing ice and glaciers are retreating at faster rates than ever before in recorded history.

Just saw a report that the Inuits are reporting killer whale pods now being seen in high numbers in arctic waters where they have not been seen in the past due to open water where there used to be ice.

The 50 feet raise would IIANM require all the ice in the world to melt and I don't think anyone is predicting that.

Those sticking their heads in the sand and denying global warning are in danger of drowning as the water raises over the sand.

Harry K

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