Save your back become a govt worker. Pay is triple and no stress after 4pm. If you must go into the business then when they quote you...say thanks I'm waiting for a couple of others to call back....wait 5 them back and tell them you got it for 1/2 what they quoted you do they want your account still?...they'll agree. I'm cheap and tried it and it worked. read the fine print!! My first CGL had "excluding tree removal" on about the 10'th page very small.I called and they said it was a mistake and removed it. But remember insurance is only as good as the companies rep for paying when you need them. Ask around what they're like first. PS I haven't had a claim yet in 11 yrs. and have 9 men full time. If you make one, get ready to change occupations because the premiums will soar if you can even still get it. I tried to change insurers a couple of yrs ago and without knowing who I was I got turned down 10 times. It's hard to start a business these days. they don't want the risky guys like tree services. good luck
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