Addicted to ArboristSite
Perhaps we should have a poll.
Who would you like for a neighbor?
Iron worker or C5Rulz?
Be careful or you'll end up on Ironworkers "Ignore" list like me. I consider it a badge of honor though.
Perhaps we should have a poll.
Who would you like for a neighbor?
Iron worker or C5Rulz?
Somewhere I missed a whole bunch of what/where/when and how this got going. By the way, what is all of the reference to "Overclock"? Was he someone that was removed a while ago? Sometimes my curiosity won't let me shut these thoughts off.
shhhhh don't piss him off...he'll tattle on us!Perhaps we should have a poll.
Who would you like for a neighbor?
Iron worker or C5Rulz?
hey moron,, did you know,, that I haven't had a like feature,, in over a year??? nope,,, rejects like you,, count for zero, cause you are a zero...go troll elsewhere....SUPER TROLL, only outdone by the washington don't move there.....filthIn case you missed some of Olyman's 18,000 "comments", here is a summary:
There was this:
Followed by this:
And let's not forget this:
THAT, isn't a question that needs answered...we already know.................Perhaps we should have a poll.
Who would you like for a neighbor?
Iron worker or C5Rulz?
Thanks and I wouldn't have a problem lending you tools.THAT, isn't a question that needs answered...we already know.................
What was the pissin match all about?
Heck, I could live with Ironworker as a neighbor on one side of me and c5rulz on the other side...
Ain't ya' noticed?? I get along with everyone
What was the pissin match all about?
Originally a member was looking for advice on offering to buy a saw from a neighbor, then I made a post about stealing it which some read it for what it was, a simple joke and one uptight member took it as an opportunity to try and make someone feel bad, he probably does the same at home and his wife and family probably hate him, not to mention what his fellow coworkers probably thought of him, me, I'm ready to let it go, but he obviously ain't. Keep attacking me if you want, I'm enjoying this.Whether to cheat an old codger out of a saw or just steal it outright.
Originally a member was looking for advice on offering to buy a saw from a neighbor, then I made a post about stealing it which some read it for what it was, a simple joke and one uptight member took it as an opportunity to try and make someone feel bad, he probably does the same at home and his wife and family probably hate him, not to mention what his fellow coworkers probably thought of him, me, I'm ready to let it go, but he obviously ain't. Keep attacking me if you want, I'm enjoying this.
Idaho...I thought he was ignoring you...and me...if he's enjoying it, why would he bother ignoring us???Hey Ironworker, I didn't know you liked Mexican beer.
My neighbor is up in age (80) and some what well off. I get all my wood from his property free of charge,so when I get the chance I do what he needs around the house and vehicle maintenance too. As I was repairing his shelving in the garage, I moved a book case and behind it was a Stihl MS361 in a case. My question is, what should I offer him? I never knew he had this saw the whole time I have known him.