gonna get published

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Originally posted by murphy4trees
I think Tom D.'s article was my original inspiration and Guy lit the fire...
Thanks to you, too, Daniel. You're an inspiration to all the other dormant writers out here!
Re: published

Originally posted by jamie
my thesis was on deadwood habitat ecology
So you're on of that Brit druidish cult that worships weird bugs and crud in old trees? Yeah, dig it up and post it if you can.

Seriously, some of us here tune into the Ancient Tree Forum to learn new ideas of value in veteran trees.

aye.....im a druid......dont let the baggypants and all that confuse you

well one of my recommendations was to climb up said tree drill a hole and blow a limb off with some explosives......to create a natural (ish) wound where saproxyic organisims can breed.....

there is more to trees than beautifully pruned, perfectly safe specimens.....i did it in a nature reserve and all my recmondations were to increase the deadwood habitat provision in the centre of the woodland compartments and where there was a target remove it for public safety....

i can stick it up onto my site in a word file for anyone to look at

deadwood dissertation

that should be the url....its still uploading and is 4.91MBs (thats megs not MasterBlasters) :D

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I can just "hear" your feedback now....... something like "I completely disagree with everything you just wrote"....:p ... wouldn't surprise me a bit... for everyone else... try it you'll like it:angel:
Originally posted by murphy4trees
"I completely disagree with everything you just wrote"....:p

Ya know Mike, somehow those words do seem to sound, echo, resonate as somewhat familiar:eek: !!!!!

Guess i've been missing a few threads, glad this won floated back to the top to be caught.....; Great goin'Daniel! The appreciation flows back for all the things you have brought in, even the clarifications requested, just the participation conducive to more of me'blabbering. As also to Darin; for providing the soundstage to sort and share these things; to allow other contributions to evolve and even test theories we think we know are write. The whole pro-cess has continually brought deeper understandings and appreciations to me.

Sounds great Dude! Perhaps the site(s) could be listed in the article; to draw even more minds in; then, perhaps hotlinks to site(s) could be provided in the .PDF format. i guess ya know, any help i can be......


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