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What I find hard to come to terms with about the goofy file, ( I wished it had a better name) is that if the GF leaves a round and high sideplate, it's no different than using 5/16" RF held high in the cutter, except for the fact that the under the top plate is filed flat with a GF as opposed to hollow as with an RF.
I'm starting to think that most saw users are not getting enough out of their chains regardless of what method they use.
If you look at the pic of the cutter I posted there is a straight edge on the side plate at the working corner. Even thought it's only a small fraction of an inch, that's all that's really cutting anyway.
With a round file the cutting edge of the side plate is generally the same angle as the top plate angle (30 to 35*). Due to the angles of the goofy file going into the cutter the side plate is much sharper, causing the chain to sever the wood better.
I do agree though that most of us leave a lot on the table when it comes to getting the most out of our chains.
Chisel filing isn't for everyone. Use what works for ya, and get some wood cut.