Mike Cantolina
Addicted to ArboristSite
I've used an 8000lb Ramsey a fair amount hooked to the skidsteer to get logs to where I could reach them. I've only ever replaced one solenoid on it.
Yeah. Pretty much. In fact...run.
I am sure that you all have atleast at some point felt like there had to be a better way to get large trunk sections on a trailer than bucking them into rounds and then quatering the rounds into managable pieces. I know some guys are gonna say grapple trucks or skidsteer, but those simply cost to much for us right now.
I plan to try pulling some hugh trunk sections up onto a trailer with snatch blocks and a winch or even just pulling them up tere with a truck. I know that I cant be the only guy to wanna do it this way, so to those of you who have. What works best? Can a 12,500 lb electric winch handle this kind of abuse or should I use something different. Maybe one of you guys can save me from waisting my time and money on dead end ideas.
I am a glutton for punishment and roll them up in my pick up on two 2x12's screwed together. I salivate at the set ups I see some guys have on AS., maybe someday I will progress
$1400? Don't troll me bro.
All of my trucks (I have 5 buckets and 2 climbing) have lift gates installed in the back. This way I don't have to spend the gas to drive an extra truck and trailer to every job. My guys hand cart the logs out to the truck and then use the lift gate. I also have 2 mini skid steers and two regular size skid steers but they are mostly used for bush hogging or on the stump crew for material hauling.
When I first started out I didn't even have a chipper for the first 2 years. We hand loaded all the branches (butt ends facing the cab) and used planks to roll the logs onto the back of the truck.
Keep saving and be smart about debt.
Thanks to all for sharing your experiences and opinions with me. It seems like everyone who has a skidsteer is loving it for tree work. I just cant see getting that before I get my knuckle boom but maybe I should. I already have a 580 case backhoe for my general dirt work needs and unloading trailers, we also use it to do alittle hardwood logging locally each winter. I cant really see the benefit of a skidder over a grapple truck. They wont lift as big a log onto the trailer and they certainly cant lift as large of a log into the back of my tandem. I also cant help but notice that none of the other big tree companys around KC are pulling sit in skidders behind there trucks. Its always a chipper dump with chipper in tow and bringing up the rear of the caravan is big knuckle boom. Since getting a skidder on credit is not a risk Im willing to take at this point, then my next question has to be which piece of equipment should I be looking to get this fall. Is a skid loader going to save me more time and make me more money than a knuckle boom truck? I would also like to know how much time should i expect to spend fixing or explaining ruts in the yard from a skidsteer. On all my flyers and buisness cards it says we specialize in Low Impact trimming and removals. Opinions!!
Thanks for the pics. It looks like the whole lift gate tilts with the bed. Does it dump as good as without a lift gate?
good lord I am amazed at the lack of information given to this AS Member................are you ready? You need to buy a "STEINER"!
one of the "premier" tree services here runs his whole operation off such a equipment master piece, LOL
Thanks to all for sharing your experiences and opinions with me. It seems like everyone who has a skidsteer is loving it for tree work. I just cant see getting that before I get my knuckle boom but maybe I should. I already have a 580 case backhoe for my general dirt work needs and unloading trailers, we also use it to do alittle hardwood logging locally each winter. I cant really see the benefit of a skidder over a grapple truck. They wont lift as big a log onto the trailer and they certainly cant lift as large of a log into the back of my tandem. I also cant help but notice that none of the other big tree companys around KC are pulling sit in skidders behind there trucks. Its always a chipper dump with chipper in tow and bringing up the rear of the caravan is big knuckle boom. Since getting a skidder on credit is not a risk Im willing to take at this point, then my next question has to be which piece of equipment should I be looking to get this fall. Is a skid loader going to save me more time and make me more money than a knuckle boom truck? I would also like to know how much time should i expect to spend fixing or explaining ruts in the yard from a skidsteer. On all my flyers and buisness cards it says we specialize in Low Impact trimming and removals. Opinions!!