How about a senior's division?
All right, I'm not ever going to be over the hill, but do OK for over 40. I figure by the time I am 50, I'd enter competitions for geezers like myself.
They do it in golf, and all they do is hit a goofy little white ball that isn't even moving! I think we need more spectators, bring in more $$, and have more divisions. I'd much rather watch a number of you guys, than some stiff with a gut trying to block for another stiff who gets arrested weekly (oh am I talking about the Vikings?!)
Anyway, we had a party for a number of families of the boys I coached in peewee baseball this year, and amongst other things, I had a couple of lines set in one of our big oaks, and I had a number of kids in the saddle. All within my reach of the ground, but none-the-less, they really enjoyed it and many asked a numbe rof questions.
I then went up, showed them a few things then got down to chow, play kickball, throw frisbee, down a couple burn some wood and marshmallows and have more fun. Point is: we need more youngsters thinking what we do is cool, groovy, rad, ?????in, tits, kick, whatever word you want to use, we need them talking about us, and wanting to compete. I'd rather any of my three boys learned climbing properly than playing football to tell you the truth.
So, is there an "old guy" division?
Give me a few more years and I'll forget!