Cheers to the new the way, my 036 Pro has a decomp. valve....
My dealer told me, back when I bought the 036, run at least three tanks of fuel thru the thing before I run it flat out [goes without saying not to run it flat out without cutting, of course]. He said, and somewhere else I read, maybe in the owner's manual ?? you won't get full power til after maybe ten tanks. Ring seating?? I don't know. But I'd just ruined one saw [034] I'd had for many yr. by miss-adjusting the mixture [which I'd messed with many times over the years, just fine] and I was really hurting from the check I wrote for the new 036 and feeling pretty stupid about the 034 so I ran ten tanks thru the new one before I held that trigger down full. I figure, can't hurt to be a little conservative. Have been using the 036 Pro now for five yr. and the piston and etc. look great, haven't burned this one up.