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I knew I should have came back yesterday. The pictures are great but I would have liked to warch Rob work. Have you dropped the trunk yet.
Nice work guys!
I think it'd be a lot of fun to learn how to climb. The funny thing is I don't like heights.
Oh man, you have no idea. And he is such a soft-spoken, generous spirit.
This one is really difficult. Rest in peace brush brother.
This one is really difficult. Rest in peace brush brother.
Oh, man, I just read thru this whole string and had zero idea what I'd find at the end here. Did this fellow die doing his tree work? The obit doesn't say.
What an artist he was in his work.
+1. Hopefully the profession he loved didn't take his life also.
I'm so sorry to hear of this Teacherman.
To tell the truth, when I first saw this thread it made me think so much of the guy I first started out doing this stuff with. He was just a few years older than Rob. Trade his dog for a lab and his old truck for an old blue Ford and you have the same guy.
Just an old treeman but I learned so much from that guy. Not just about tree work but about how to survive and how to be a man. He took me in when I was about 21 and let me live with him and learn from him.
He taught me more about climbing than anyone I ever worked for. He was no braggart and was just a very modest, nonviolent, peaceful kind of guy. He taught me how to trust your life with another and about the bond between groundman and climber.
You would never see him with a hardhat on. He was good enough that he learned to make it on his own, not having to work for anyone. He worked on his own so he never caught on to the safety changes that became the craze here in the recent past. Not saying that that is good or bad just saying that it is what it is.
So sad to see an old warrior pass. They just don't make many guys like that anymore. That is why I get so mad when I hear about guys jumping in to commercial climbing and tree work as a sideline and doing it for peanuts. I have seen too many older guys who worked a lifetime doing some awesome things for peanuts. Usually too kind hearted to turn down a friend in need and working for whatever the friend can offer.
I have to chuckle to myself when I hear a 3-5-7 year climber beat their chest and crow because they passed some hour long exam and now they are the be all end all arborist. And not that that is a bad thing but they need to remember they are standing on the shoulders of some hellified men.
One pic that you posted brought me back to my younger days of being schooled by the old climber I mentioned was the wood handle on the pull cord. I saw the first guy I worked for do the same as well as teach me how to make a homemade file handle out of a cut stick of wood. He was a master at improvision.
I think you made one hell of a memorial for your friend even though you probably never even realized it when you did so. You never know what really could be guiding our actions when we first venture to accomplish something.
Rep coming from me for your memorial to your friend Rob.
Thanks, Tree M.D. I appreciate that.
You know, I am going to ask his mom if I can show this thread at the celebration of his life later on.
I also was thinking of asking if I could borrow his 041, fix it up, and maybe even find someone to paint it up and give it back to her as some kind of memorial of him.