Growing up with Redwood's. Truely God's country.

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Hey ... never heard that redwood song before. Ended up replaying it several times.

Going back to redwood country this coming weekend. We're planning one or two one-day adventures into the midst of a north park to two to see if anything remains to be discovered.

A couple of weeks ago, I spotted the redwood shown below. It's up on a hillside in Prairie Creek redwoods.

Note the man for size comparison.


Oh my lord,,,,,, now thats a tree, nothing else to say
One hell of a tree Mario:msp_thumbsup: Randy the other one sounds like something too. Must be a beautifull place. Where is prarie ck? I have heard of it can't place it though.
Just north of Orick on 101 Norm. About an hour from Eureka.
When you get to the prairie, you will see the split rail fence my crew made back in '77, it was a winter project.
Just north of Orick on 101 Norm. About an hour from Eureka.
When you get to the prairie, you will see the split rail fence my crew made back in '77, it was a winter project.

Seriously? You guys made that fence? I love that fence.

Wow ... that was the year I graduated from high school, long before my first visit to the redwoods.

Oh yeah.
The logs were salvaged from the 1964 flood damage on Bull Creek. There were two log decks at Albee Creek, maybe 10 acres worth. We picked through the decks looking for prize logs, my Grandad dropped by once a week and choose the best ones. He and Bob Curless spent time showing us the ways of splitting Redwood. Since the logs came from Bull Creek, you can imagine just how prime much of it was.
Just north of Orick on 101 Norm. About an hour from Eureka.
When you get to the prairie, you will see the split rail fence my crew made back in '77, it was a winter project.

Dang, no $h**, thats way cool seen it lots of times:) and seen elk around there too.

Praire creek has some nice ones in that area. We seen a lot of elk there last fall when I got to visit. I want to come back but not sure it will work out this year.
I didn`t get enough time in the woods on my last trip out to Cali so I will have the pleasure to return for another visit on the first of May and get to stay until the 15th. Going to visit a few new places this trip.
Speaking of rotten hemlock a couple of months back I was cutting a maybe 5 foot diameter or so eastern hemlock and i had already put the face cut into it- see its hollow on the inside think no big deal, and started on the back cut bar was a 36" couldnt reach all the way through so im on the first side of the cut, put a wedge in and maybe around 3/4 or so of the way through I suddenly can't cut anymore the saw is stuck. I look and theres no wedge the cerf is completely closed. So I start heading back towards the road to get some more wedges from my car get to there which was maybe 200 feet away and Im searching for the wedges in the trunk when i suddenly hear a loud crack followed by a very loud crashing/falling sound look up and I saw a bunch of dust rising and the whole hemlock had kind of exploded or i guess imploded on itself completely destroyed my arctic 046- cranckcase completely cracked, gas tank, cylinder even had a crack in it. The tree was maybe 70% hollow on the inside im guessing that had something to do with it imploding. Close call really shook me up that day I could of been dead.
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Seriously? You guys made that fence? I love that fence.

Wow ... that was the year I graduated from high school, long before my first visit to the redwoods.

Awesome, I will have to go see it, I was four years old when it was built. Mario, and Randy that is some history there.
Alex, close call indeed hollow trees can be really tricky. Taken down quite a few mostly Oak etc, not much in real tall timber. But the oaks get dicey too being limbed and so spread out above you. Sorry about your saw, glad you made it out.
I agree Jerry, and do we ever get enough time in the woods? I grew up here and can't get enough it is such a treat:rock:
Oh yeah.
The logs were salvaged from the 1964 flood damage on Bull Creek. There were two log decks at Albee Creek, maybe 10 acres worth. We picked through the decks looking for prize logs, my Grandad dropped by once a week and choose the best ones. He and Bob Curless spent time showing us the ways of splitting Redwood. Since the logs came from Bull Creek, you can imagine just how prime much of it was.

Hey Randy, Did you ever work with any Wright's or Magnuson's down in the redwoods?
Awesome, I will have to go see it, I was four years old when it was built. Mario, and Randy that is some history there.

Got a photo somewhere of the fence ... part of it. Will need to dig in the files. It's remarkably long too.

Below is a shot taken in the same redwood park, Prairie Creek, from inside a redwood tree, looking out through an opening.

Curious to see what next week brings. A model from Eureka responded to ad for a "TFP" to shoot photos in the redwoods. I've photographed visitors before and tree folks I network with, but not a model specifically for a photo session. First, need to see if she shows up. Will post some photos here afterward if the scheduling works out.

Okay ... so Big Tree got a deck this year. Looks pretty good actually, since the base flares out so broad. Usually, decks make trees look smaller. But the new deck looks fine, especially with people for size comparison.

A few extra pics too.


