ArboristSite Member
Mostly harmless?
Mostly harmless? I used to say that about some dangerous folks....
We used to play a little game with a sledge hammer, you should try it. Grasp it by the last 6" on the handle and hold the head straight up in the air. Extend your arm straight out and lower the head till it's about 1/2" from your nose and see who can hold it there the longest. The lighter weights are not so bad, but when ya move up to say a 12 lb'er things get a bit dicey. I did know one really big guy who could hold a 12 lb'er. One of the nicest guy's you would ever meet. Long ago he beat the wrestling bear at the Dixie Classic Fair when he was 18 (and drunk.) The bear took a swipe at him but missed and he clocked the bear in the side of the head and pinned him. The promoter wouldn't let him fight the bear again, saying he was too rough on the bear. Might be hard to believe, but that is no BS. The names are being withheld to protect the guilty but if Big Mike is reading this please chime in.
Mostly harmless? I used to say that about some dangerous folks....

I am mostly harmless. I wish I could hold the 084 like that. But the NC guys are a good bunch, hopefully the next GTG will have a bigger turnout.