Brad, you got me thinking about my cheezy plastic hard hat. So I did some internet surfing and found a real aluminium logging helmet by Forester for $30 and ordered it:
Don't underestimate the "cheesy" plastic hardhats. They seem warmer to me--I've worn them all, but a genuine "pro" timber faller gave his a good test. He was falling a tree, looked up, a limb hit his hardhat as he looked up, glanced off, got him in the jaw--stitches and a sore jaw were the injuries. The hat was cracked, as they are designed to do. Some large timber companies and the Forest Service require their contractors and employees to wear plastic hats.
The metal ones--now called skull buckets, are what is considered stylish, and are more likely to be stolen.
We like the full brim because of the rain, and there is a theory that the brim provides more protection by deflecting bad stuff a bit more.
Plastic is better than metal when it comes to noise--co-workers thumping you on the head with sticks and rocks, or when small limbs shower down. The metal can be noisy. However, if you have the headlamp clips on your tin hat, you can annoy your co-workers in the crewbus by plinking the clips with thumbs. It makes a pleasant plinking tone and will soon cause profane language to erupt. :smile2: