Guys, don't get complacent out there!!!

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Glad to see you made it out relatively unscathed. The video shows why many fellers and beavers run from trees when they hear the first pop or squeak. They hope for the best and know anything can happen.

I have seen guys pull the saw body off the bar in instances like yours. They will even cut the chain if need be. A loss of a bar beats a loss of a whole saw or worse, an impact like yours.

Everyone has their close calls.
Do you guys believe this? That video was photoshopped!!:msp_tongue: I heard from a friend of a friend of a friend that he lost a fight in a bar when someone spoke ill of his fondness for pretty saws. If I were you Brad I would pick on someone/thing smaller next time:biggrin:, or at least have a buddy back you up.

Glad you got back up.:rock:

Good vid. You really want to go and purchase a couple lottery tickets before your luck runs out. You sure used up a real good jag of it that day. Makes a man start thinking about life insurance and taking the big dirt knap. Might want to re-evaluate cutting alone, the value of a saw and PPE as well. Any reason why that particular tree needed to be cut??
How do you "misread" that much lean? Goes way to the right, and it's not a small tree. Cut a lot of trees down, some against a "minor" lean, but sure as hell never tried to fall one against a lean that drastic. Somehow I doubt you've cut much. But that's beside the point, the question is still valid.

He knows what he did wrong and therefore he dosent need you telling him or anyone else what happened.
We all make mistakes. if we didnt make a mistake we wouldnt know #### and the art of timber cutting wouldnt have ever grown in knowledge of cutting methods. When ever you pick up a chainsaw and stick that bar into a cut your risking life and limb to get that tree on the ground safely, this was a mistake could of been a costly one but it isnt and ill bet this will haunt him for the rest of his life. We should be telling him "Thank God Your Okay" not beating him down for making a mistake.
This is just a life lesson to Brad but ALSO ESPICALLY to ALL OF US
Holy crap Brad! I hope everything is OK other than the obvious bumps and briuses. No ball busting from me on that, I almost had a bad situation with a maple. Almost crushed my 7900. Samething happend the tree sat back and I could hear it cracking like it was ready to go any moment. My heart raced as I pulled the power head from the bar, the only thing that really helped after that was I had the Bobcat there and was able to push it the right direction. Be safe out there!
Wow, glad you're okay. It could have been so MUCH worse.

The memory will last much longer than your wounds.

Thanks for sharing.
Brad, all of our disagreements of the past aside, I am glad you are alive attention a few days from now that you dont end up with "left over" symptoms...I had migraine like symptoms that went about 10fold worse than any migraine I have ever had 3 days after my wack to the head 2 years ago. Its really scary stuff!

and then...there is this!

2 things I never see Brad wear...

Helmet and chaps...

Lets see if he smartens up and starts wearring both after this...
Knothead !!!

Had ta' say it.

Glad your okay.
Your biggest mistake? Going alone. Period.

Learned that lesson myself a long time ago.

1st I would like to say glad you are okay.
2nd I would like to say THANK A MILLION FOR POSTING THIS.

I have sent very few trees to their felling grave. I have very little experience cutting than most of you do. This video and post is a great learning experience for me. A good deal of the time I think "not me" but no matter who you are whether a once a year cutter or a pro feller it can and does happen.

I know you said you knew better and were embarrassed and didn't know if you were going to post this. I want to say thanks again for the post and video.

As for the poster with a bad attitude, watch and learn. It could happen to you. Maybe the OP and his post will save you one day.
Glad you are ok Brad. I had a situation a few years back where I was clearing brush from trees I dropped all around the house, 13 in one day. I was tired, getting over the flu, and stumbled once. I took the top of my boot right apart and the cotton sock; never touched the skin. I learned a lot that day. I put the saw up and went and ordered chaps, helmet, new boots, etc before I re-cranked the saw. I won't touch a saw anymore with out all of the PPE as it reminds me of what I'm doing and helps me get my mind right. I have decided if I don't have time to put the gear on, I don't have time for a saw right now. I've also adopted the same philosophy for my motorcycle.

Hope you mend soon.
i was joking with a friend yesterday saying you never know what would happen, he said as soon as someone gets out the video camera somethings going to happen
Brad- you always show the good and the bad.
Got my respect for that.
watching that video just might make someone be more careful and use ppe. Myself included.
Thanks for that. Glad you made it.